b'Dont miss these other 2020 Virtual Annual for you to ask questions about membership, learnMeeting events:about AAP initiatives, purchase AAP merchandise, and District ForumsAlumni Eventsregister for a free gift! General AssemblyBalint Orban Memorial Competition Research Forum Poster SessionsThis years virtual AAP Research Forum Poster SessionVisit am2020.perio.org for the latest Virtual Annual Meeting will feature over 75 abstracts covering clinical research,information including program, schedule, and other updates.basic research, and case reports. of periodontics. Visit the Poster Sessions at your leisure and peruse compelling and innovative periodontal research. In addition, the JSP and JACP will host a poster session showcasing Pan Pacific researchers.Corporate Forums 2021 Annual Meeting Registration On Friday, Nov. 6, and Friday, Nov. 13, 2020, attend a diverse showcase of speakers addressing the latestBe sure to visit the 2021 Annual Meeting booth in the virtual periodontal research and developments from theExhibit Hall to register for the 107 thAnnual Meeting scheduled industrys foremost corporate leaders. Topics andto take place in Miami Beach Nov. 47, 2021. Secure your presenters are selected by participating companiesspot at the meeting, book a hotel room, and learn some great independent from AAP. information about Miami Beach!2022 Annual Meeting call for speakersThe Continuing Education Oversight Committee (CEOC) will meetevery attempt will be made to incorporate the ideas submitted, in February 2021 to plan the educational programming for theavailable Annual Meeting space and time are limited, so not all 108th Annual Meeting to be held Oct. 2730, 2022, in Phoenix,recommendations will be accepted. However, member input Ariz. The majority of speakers and program ideas will comeregarding the program is critical toward helping the committee from the Academy membership, particularly presenters found tounderstand member expectations.demonstrate excellence in content, innovation, and presentation. In keeping with Academy policy, for live, in-person meetings the Members who wish to put forth suggestions to be considered byAAP does not pay honoraria or travel expenses to AAP member the CEOC must complete and submit proposal(s) by Nov. 2, 2020.speakers. Additionally, speakers must consent to present their The Board of Trustees will approve the preliminary 2022 Annuallecture in a 3:1 slide format (16:9 for virtual presentations) and be Meeting program in May 2021. video recorded. Any speaker who does not do so forfeits his/her invitation to speak at the AAP Annual Meeting.Submit speaker proposals at perio.org/members/annual-meeting-speaker-recommendation and program ideasThe Academy is committed to showcasing diversity in its program at perio.org/members/annual-meeting-program- speakers. To every extent possible, the Annual Meeting program recommendation.includes both seasoned and new faces. Members are encouraged to recommend up-and-coming periodontists for inclusion in the All submissions must contain contact information for each2022 Annual Meeting. Please submit as much supporting material proposed person. If the proposed speaker has not previouslyas possible for any new speakers so the CEOC can best determine presented at an AAP meeting, please attach a CV. All submissionsthe most compelling and impactful Annual Meeting line-up.will be thoroughly reviewed by the CEOC for alignment with the complete 2022 Annual Meeting program. Please note that whileQuestions? Contact the AAP Continuing Education department at continuingeducation@perio.org.AAP Periospectives| 7'