b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKHow will the General Assembly and District Forums function in the new virtual meeting format?-Life Active Member, New Orleans, LAThank you for this timely question. The American Academy of Periodontology, just like all of us, had to dramatically adapt and change practices this year in response to the global pandemic, COVID-19. With members health and safety in mind, earlier this year the Board made the difficult decision to transition the annual meeting to a virtual format. One of theAAP website. The Annual Meeting of the General Assembly will challenges of this decision was ensuring that allbe held on Sunday, Nov. 15, from 10:30 a.m. PT to meetings required by the AAP Bylaws could be met.11:15 a.m. PT. We hope all Active and Life Active Specifically, Districts are required to meet, and themembers will join us for this meeting. If you are General Assembly must hold an annual meeting. Illinoisinterested in presenting new business items law permits meetings via electronic format, such asto the General Assembly, those items must be video conference. Therefore, the AAP has arrangedsubmitted prior to the meeting. We hope that for District Forums to be held as a video conferenceall members will engage with their Districts and meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 10. Districts 1, 2, 3 andthe General Assembly to learn more about the 7 will meet from 3:30 p.m. PT to 4:30 p.m. PT.Academys work and its plans for 2021.Districts 4, 5, 6 and 8 will meet from 5:00 p.m. PT toDebra S. Finney, MS, DDS6:00 p.m. PT. Each District will meet separately, andDistrict 6 Trusteematerials will be provided prior to the meeting on the Call for new business items for the AAP 2020 General AssemblyThe American Academy of Periodontologys (AAPs) 2020 General Assembly will be held on Sunday, Nov. 15, 2020 from 12:301:15 pm CT (10:3011:15 PT) in conjunction with the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting. The General Assembly will be open to all members with a special entry for voting members (Active and Life Active). Please plan to be there!New business items may be added to the General Assembly agenda in advance of the meeting. Voting members (Active and Life Active categories) who wish to add a new business item are asked to submit the item no later than Friday, Oct. 30, 2020 to Jodi Sassana, manager of governance and operations, at jodi@perio.org.AAP Periospectives| 21'