b'In addition, frequently there are discountsinsurance company to evaluate if they wantUS or have definite travel plans this could available if youre still classified as a dentalto insure you. impact your ability to get an approval, and student, AEGD student, GPR resident,a postponement may be needed for your or a dental specialty resident. ReviewAfter your information is submitted toapplication.with your licensed insurance agent aboutthe insurance company, they can obtain applying for coverage as soon as you can.medical records to review your healthWhat if you have the virus, how Generally, you want to secure disabilityhistory and in some cases,they mightcould that impact your application?income insurance as early as you can andsend out a nurse practitioner, or whatsWhat were seeing is that if you have an purchase as much as you can afford. called a paramedical service, to do a labapplication currently in process, and then test. Once the insurance company hasyoure diagnosed with Covid-19, that the Is it true you need to submit ancompleted their review, they may comeapplication would likely be postponed until application prior to receivingback with an offer for coverage. you are back to work for a period of time. an indication of coverage or anOnce the offer for coverage is available, illustration for that coverage?forms are sent for your signature to placeHow could any of these delays An illustration is basically a cost proposalthe policy in force. The final steps are(being sick, wanting to travel, etc.) for the coverage for which you arecompleted when you sign forms acceptingaffect my eligibility for a student applying. I think it can be a very useful toolthe policy and you make payment. discount on my disability income because it lists the features of the policyapplication?you are considering and gives the pricesI think it is important to note that during theThats a great question. Student or resident for each feature. Often, people have beenunderwriting process, you have the abilitydiscounts are only available within a certain given the impression that they cannot getto change the features youre applying for,window of time. You will most likely want to an illustration until they actually apply forand if you determine you want to move in aapply as soon as possible. If you apply for the policy and get an approval. Remember,different direction than initially discussed,a policy during the time period that youre an illustration is just that, a projectedthat can be changed on the applicationeligible for a student or resident discount, cost. Your health history may affect theprior to the actual policy being issued. and you need to have a postponement actual outcome, and the final policy mayHas the pandemic affected thefor some reason, its likely that when the be different than what is illustrated. Anunderwriting process in any way? application is reopened the original discount illustration is simply a good starting point tomay be able to be applied to the future evaluate your options. Whats really interesting is that due topolicy. the pandemic many lab services have not Also how does the applicationbeen able to visit applicants and insuranceConversely, if youre not in the application process actually work forcompanies are waiving lab tests up toprocess and you need to delay your insurance and disabilitypretty high limits of coverage. Ive seenapplication due to the issues above (or any insurance? examples with some companies that ifnumber of reasons) you may not be able to First, you decide on the insurance companyyoure under age 45, for instance, you cansubmit the application within the time period that you want to purchase the coverageget up to $10,000 a month of disabilityfor which the discounts are available.If this through, the amounts of coverage, and theinsurance without needing to do a labwere to occur there would be little that could features. Once that is decided upon, you sitexam and up to $3 million of life insurance.be done to get a policy with the student or down with a licensed agent and completeThats a significant change. resident discount.the application. The application asksWhat about your graduation tripAnd what about malpracticeat questions about your occupation,all these years you said youdwhat point should you submit an your avocations and health history. reward yourself with a bit of anapplication for professional liability Once you and the licensed agent completeinternational trip after youreinsurance? the application, you sign forms saying thatdone. Could those future travelWhether you are working at one location, or you told the truth and that youre permittingplans outside of the US impactseveral locations, once you have identified the insurance company to look at youryour ability to get approved forat least one place of employment, you can application to see if they want to insuredisability insurance? submit an application. The applications for you. Simply submitting an application doesI know a lot of travel plans are beingprofessional liability insurance are in some not bind coverage. It does not obligate youcanceled or postponed right now. If you to buy the coverage. It just permits thehave recently traveled outside of theContinued on page 30AAP Periospectives| 29'