b'New periodontistcornerA DayWhat is the most rewarding part of with friends to transition into my second wind for your day? the day.in the Life Practicing my profession and communicatingOutside of work, what is the one thing you do with patients by listening to their concerns andevery day that brings you joy?In this new feature, a periodontist new toeducating them about their oral healthcare practice shares what a typical day is like.needs. Its honestly just rewarding to get toSpending time with my dogs on the couch! Want to be profiled in an upcoming issue?know people, learn their stories, and participateAny advice you would give to a periodontist Contact Membership Coordinator Ashleyin supporting and empowering them in theirjust starting his/her career? Barnstable at ashley@perio.org.journey towards optimum oral health.I am just starting my journey and I have learned Gayathri Shenoy, DMDIs there a piece of advice you received thatthat keeping an open mind, listening, learning, and Bensalem, PA you try to implement daily? absorbing as much as I can has been immensely Dr. Shenoy completed her periodontalThe best piece of advice that I have receivedbeneficial. I think its important to network and residency at Tufts University in 2017. and try to implement daily is to never complaincommunicate with colleagues within our specialty and practice constant gratitude. Through thisbut also with those from other specialties. Because What is the most challenging part ofpractice, I have learned that it is impossible toour profession is so people- and person-centered, your day? complain if we look for things to be grateful for,I think its essential to practice with a non-The most challenging part of my day isboth the good and the not so good times.judgmental attitude. As we know the learning never probably trying to keep up my energy levelstops so I think its imperative to learn how to mid-evening after I return from work.What do you like to do after work? learn and keep abreast of the latest developments I exercise, cook a quick meal, read, or meet upbecause all the best periodontists do! 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting: Learn and explore at your pace!The AAP 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting willNew Perio Perks partnersoffer all that traditional Annual MeetingsThe AAP recently added two new partners to do: world-class continuing education (CE),the Perio Perks member discount program:state-of-the art science and research, and compelling product and technologyBent Ericksen has been a leader information from leading periodontalin employment compliance and companies. However, this years Annualhuman resources for over thirty Meeting has a unique twist. For the firstChosen Payments offers credit cardyears. AAP members are eligible for time, attendees can access the completeprocessing, check guarantee services, loyaltya special discount on Bent Ericksens program! The unique online format allowsprograms, merchant loans, and data breachcomprehensive HR Director package.for attendees to participate as their scheduleprotection plans. Chosen Payments helps permits. Watch one of the live CE coursespractice save money by offering efficient andFor more information about Perio Perks,as it happens, stroll through the Exhibit Hall,practical business solutions. visit perio.org/Perio-Perks.peruse the information about this years Academy Award winners, or tune into an on-demand Corporate Forum or CE session at your leisure. Its up to you! For more information about the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting, please visit am2020.perio.org. AAP Periospectives| 39'