b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKWHATS NEW IN PERIODONTAL EDUCATION?PERIODONTAL PROGRAM FACULTY UPDATESThe following individuals have been named postdoctoral program director:Sukirth Murthy Ganesan, DDS, PhD University of Iowa College of DentistryKerri Font, DDS University of ColoradoThe following individual has been namedThis new regular feature in Periospectivespredoctoral program director:will highlight the latest news in pre-and postdoctoral periodontal education. If you areAhmed El-Awady, BDS, PhD involved in periodontal education and haveAugusta University Dental College of Georgiaan idea for future content, please contactThe following individual has been named chair:Tameisha Williams at tameisha@perio.org.Kerri Font, DDS University of ColoradoAAP Periospectives| 24'