b'VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING2020 Award Winners he has taught since 1974. After building anthe Research Committee of the Academy Continued from page 13 outstanding reputation as a pre-doctoralof Osseointegration, member of the Board periodontal educator, he established theof Directors of the Osseointegration Academys first representative to the newschools Advanced Specialty EducationFoundation, Fellow of the International ADA National Commission on RecognitionProgram in Periodontics in 1991. SinceTeam for Implantology, President of the of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards.then, he has overseen the post-graduateNew York State Society of Periodontists, education of 68 residents, including theand Periodontics Commissioner for the Dr. Aldredge has authored or co-authoredAAPs 2020 Distinguished Service honoree,Commission on Dental Accreditation. He eight articles or book chapters and givenDr. Wayne Aldredge.was also Chair of the Council of Advanced several lectures and presentations. He alsoEducation Programs of ADEA and was served as Clinical Assistant Professor atRenowned for his passion for his professionalso appointed as a Reviewer of the 1998 Stony Brook University School of Dentaland his compassion for his students,Surgeon Generals Report on the Oral Medicine. Moreover, he is also a volunteerDr. Iacono is beloved for his willingnessHealth Status of Americans.and contributor to his periodontal alumnito devote his evenings and weekends association and a presenter of seminars toto mentoring undergraduates, residentsDuring the course of his illustrious career, periodontal postdoctoral students on theand even faculty in literature reviews andDr. Iacono has received 52 funded research importance of being active members of thediscussing the finer points of patient caregrants, authored or co-authored 200 AAP. and general wellbeing. He also has activelyscientific articles and seven books or sought and received funding to make itbook chapters, and given 170 lectures, Wayne Aldredge is a graduate of Rutgerspossible for residents to travel to importantpresentations, seminars and workshops. Dental School and received his Certificateperiodontal meetings and symposia.He is the recipient of the Irwin Scopp in Periodontology from the Stony BrookDespite a prodigious workload in academia,Fellowship Award from the Northeastern University. Prior to earning his CertificateDr. Iacono maintains a thriving, cutting edgeSociety of Periodontists and the in Periodontology, he was a general dentistprivate practice in periodontics and implantDistinguished Service Professor Award from and Army captain at the United Statesdentistry. the State University of New York.Military Academy in West Point, New York. He has been in private practice focusing onA past president of the AAP, Dr. Iacono wasVincent Iacono received both his D.M.D. periodontics and implant surgery in Newalso the President of the AAP Foundationdegree and his Certificate in Periodontology Jersey since 1999. and Chair and current examiner of theand Oral Medicine from the Harvard American Board of Periodontology. HeUniversity School of Dental Medicine. He has chaired or served on over 50 AAPalso received his Certificate in Immunology Outstandingcommittees and task forces; and served onfrom the Forsyth Institute. Periodontal Educator:the Board of Directors and chaired several Dr. Vincent Iaconocommittees for both the AAP FoundationH. Dalton Conner and the American Board of Periodontology.Humanitarian:The AcademysDr. Othman Shibly Outstanding PeriodontalDr. Iacono has been deeply involved with Educator for 2020, Vincentmany other professional organizationsThe Academys J. Iacono is a true icon in the field ofincluding serving as President and member2020 winner of periodontal education. He is also a pastof the Board of Directors of the Academythe H. Dalton Conner winner of the AAPs Gold Medal andof Osseointegration and President of theHumanitarian Award, Presidential Awards. And lest there be anyNortheastern Society of Periodontists. HeOthman Shibly has employed a truly doubt about whether his legendary skills arehas served as President and member ofsingular blend of passion, compassion, and still intact after 46 years in the profession,the Board of Directors of the Internationalingenuity to have a profound impact on the Dr. Iacono received a Special Citation justAcademy of Periodontology, President of thehealth of tens of thousands of refugees and one year ago. Long Island Society for Osseointegration,other people in need around the world. A President of the International Academy offull-time faculty member at the University Dr. Iacono is the Tarrson Family ProfessorPeriodontology, member of the Nationalof Buffalo School of Dental Medicine and a of Periodontology, Chair of the DepartmentBoard Periodontics Test Constructionvisiting faculty member at the Beirut Arab of Periodontology, and Director of AdvancedCommittee of the Joint Commission onUniversity School of Dentistry, he is a past Education Programs in the School of DentalNational Dental Examinations, Chairman ofrecipient of the AAPs Dental Educator Medicine at Stony Brook University where Continued on page 16AAP Periospectives| 14'