b"B Y B R Y A N J . F R A N T Z , D D SPRESIDENT'S MESSAGELessons learnedIts hard to believe that my presidential yearperiodontal information. If you missedAnother plug for planning: As we gear up for is coming to a close. And what a year itsany, be sure to visit the AAPs e-Learningthe 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting, one thing been! When I embarked as your leader lastCenter.Im most excited about is the remarkable November, I had no idea we were monthsprogram. We have been able to pivot to a away from the entire world being turnedOver the past 10 months, the AAP has alsovirtual format that offers stellar continuing on its side. I presided over my first Boardcontinued to promote the updated diseaseeducation because there was already a meeting at the Chicago Annual Meetingclassification, launched a dedicateddynamic and impressive plan in place. with optimism, enthusiasm, and hope; ande-newsletter for Student members I looked forward to what promised to be aand new periodontists, submitted theLesson 3: Community is critical.demanding yet rewarding experience. necessary materials to secure our placeMany of us know how difficult it was to as a recognized specialty of the Americanself-isolate at home and reschedule or cancel While the first three months of myDental Association, kicked off an effort tovacations and other big plans. Luckily for me, I presidency went off without a hitch, theengage with the dental hygiene community,had a strong community to keep me company COVID-19 pandemic certainly added its fairlaunched an innovative science strategy,as I stayed close to home. This includes my share of unforeseen challenges. Meetingsand put the finishing touches on a specialfamily (my wife, three daughters, and two were moved to Zoom, travel was canceled,issue of the Journal of Periodontology thatsons-in-law) who are the joys of my life; as and the most significant shift of all: ourpays tribute to Dr. Steven Offenbacher, allwell as my network of friends and colleagues in-person Annual Meeting in Honolulu waswhile continuing to deliver the full-suite ofwho always provide humor, counsel, and pivoted to a virtual format.other member benefits.inspiration. However, despite these uniqueLesson 2: Planning is powerful. You may have noticed on your recent dues circumstances, over the last severalWhen restrictions on dental practices werestatement that the AAPs membership renewal months I have learned a few valuableloosened in May, my staff was quick totheme for 2021 is The AAP: Your Periodontal lessons: implement patient safety protocols andCommunity. The 7000+ members of the Lesson 1: Slowing down can beinfection control processes to ensure thatAAP represent the largest and most reputable satisfying. everyone who entered our office would begroup of periodontal experts. I am proud to be safe. We were able to pull this off becausea part of this community. I enjoy reading your For over 30 years I have run a busywe had solid plans in place on how toposts on the Open Forum message board, periodontal practice in Scranton, PA. Whileeffectively provide quality, reliable patientengaging with you at local events, and I am it was difficult to shut my office down forcare. In addition, the prior financial andreally excited about networking with you, albeit several weeks, it allowed the chance tooperational planning I had done helped tovirtually, at the embodiment of our Academy, consider how to run my business moreshore up my practice during a challengingthe Annual Meeting. efficiently, be a more impactful periodontisttime.delivering the best possible care to myOne last lessonpatients, and be the best possible AAPThe Academys work for any given yearI have been honored to lead you as AAP president. is dictated by a comprehensive strategicpresident over the past year. Of all the lessons plan. Our Strategic Planning CommitteeI have learned during my presidency, the most The Academy too seized the momentdelivered a fantastic blueprint for 2020; to consider how to best support thevaluable has been how rewarding it is to give and at its retreat meeting in Naples, Floridaback to your profession. Thank you for the membership during COVID-19. While Iin January, the Board delved into the wont say the AAP necessarily slowedprivilege of serving you and the Academy.plan to get aligned on what needed to be down, we did focus our efforts toaccomplished in the upcoming year andBryan J. Frantz, DDS deliver timely and relevant information tobeyond. The substantial work of the groupPresident, American Academy of members. This included the webinar seriesnot only provided a solid road map to guidePeriodontologyfeaturing some of our specialtys brightestthe Academys strategic efforts, but also minds discussing relevant, evidence-basedallowed for the ability to change gears as needed. AAP Periospectives| 5"