b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKAAP responds to World Health Organization statementIn August, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued recommendations to delay routine dental procedures during the COVID-19 outbreak. The AAP immediately issued a response stressing the importance of maintaining periodontal health, especially in the midst of a global pandemic. The AAPs statement also detailed how its members are committed to implementing rigorous safety measures in an effort to ensure the health and well-being of patients and reduce the risk of exposure during the pandemic.In the response, which was issued to both dental trade and consumer media outlets, AAP President Dr. Bryan Frantz was quoted as saying, It is well-established science that periodontal disease and systemic disease are interconnected. As a result, establishing and maintaining healthy teeth and gums is fundamental to overall health. The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly affected most aspects of life, but with the right patient safety measures in place that align with state and local guidelines, it should not impact [patients] ability to receive periodontal care.The WHOs recommendations to delay non-essential dental care cited the risk of disease transmission as a result of the close proximity between dental professionals and patients and due to the aerosols produced by certain dental procedures. However, the AAP was quick to point out that there is limited evidence to support that dental offices pose an increased risk of spreading disease, including COVID-19.To view the complete statement, visit perio.org/periodontal-health-during-COVID-19. AAP Periospectives| 25'