b' COVER STORY 6Everything For Your Implant Practice But The ImplantsPRESIDENT Bryan FrantzPRESIDENT-ELECTJames WilsonVICE PRESIDENT Christopher RichardsonExceptional HandlingSECRETARY/TREASURER CharacteristicsDavid OkanoMineralized Cancellous Xenograft MaterialPAST PRESIDENT 0.25 - 1.0mm Microporous Granules Facilitate Richard KaoOsteoconduction & New Bone FormationSpace Maintaining Material Supports New Bone EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Regeneration & Healing Erin ODonnell Dotzler Download Our White Paper At: SalvinOss Particles Become An Integral Part Of NewlyThe AAP Annual Meeting goes virtual. email: erin@perio.orgwww.salvin.com/Downloads/Guides-Studies.html Formed Bone FrameworkOrganic Components Removed While MaintainingJoin colleagues from around the globe Nov. 6-15, 2020 for the ASSOCIATE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Characteristics Of Native Bone first ever Virtual Annual Meeting of the American Academy ofMEMBERSHIP, MARKETING Can Be Mixed With Sterile Saline Or The Patients Blood Periodontology! This unique 10-day online meeting experience will AND COMMUNICATIONS Radiopaque include engaging virtual continuing education opportunities; allow Meg Dempsey online networking with fellow members, exhibitors, and corporateemail: meg@perio.orgsponsors; and will count toward members Annual Meeting Case Study - Socket Preservation With SalvinOssattendance requirement. Case & Photos: Dr. Michele Holzinger Learn more beginning on page 6. ADVERTISING SALES Mission Eileen Cox To champion member success and professional partnerships for optimal patient health and quality of life. Pharmaceutical Media, Inc.Pre-Op Post-Extraction Post-Implant30 E. 33 rdSt., #44 Months Healing 3 Months Healing Periospectives is published four times per year by the American AcademyNew York, NY 10016 I trust Salvin Regenerative because they help me produce results that are consistent andof Periodontology.reliable for my patients. When I re-enter a site grafted with SalvinOss, I know exactly what toT) 917-214-0095 expect because the results are predictable. Located at: 737 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60611-6660Dr. Michele Holzinger Telephone toll free: 800-282-4867312-787-5518 email: ecox@pminy.comPeriodontist, Middletown, CT Fax: 312-787-3670Web: Perio.orgPublications Agreement No. 14-899992 Copyright 2020 the American Academy of PeriodontologyParticle Size Size Price 7 or More 14 or More All advertising appearing in Periospectives must be reviewed and 250-1000 microns 0.50 CC (0.25G) 79.00 72.60 64.50 accepted prior to publication. The publication of an advertisement in 1.00 CC (0.5G) 119.00 108.40 98.70 Periospectives is not to be construed as constituting an endorsement 2.50 CC (1.25G) 219.00 198.50 178.60 or approval of the product or its claims by the American Academy of Periodontology. Salvin Dental Specialties, IncToll Free US & Canada 800-535-6566www.salvin.com AAP Periospectives| 3 2020 Salvin Dental Specialties, Inc. All Rights Reserved. REV. 02-2020SalvinOss - Periospectives - 8.5x11 - FEB.indd 1 2/4/20 11:34 AM'