b'VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING2020 Award WinnersContinued from page 14Award and Diplomate of the Americanof refugees to improve not only their oralDental Hero designation from DrBicuspid.Board of Periodontology ,health, but their psychological and socialcom in recognition of his establishment of health as well. the first dental clinics to promote oral health A native of Syria, Dr. Shibly founded thefor Syrian refugees. In 2017, he was the Miles for Smiles program in 2012 to provideDr. Shiblys humanitarian efforts haverecipient of The Buffalo News Outstanding oral health for refugees, internally displacedtouched the United States as well. AmongCitizen of the Year for leading missions to persons (IDPs), and disadvantaged poorhis many US-based humanitarian roles,improve the daily lives of those affected by communities not only in Syria, but inhe has served as co-director of the Middlewar.Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Liberia, andEast Research Ethics Training Initiative, Kurdistan as well. He has since led 16 Milesand a Board member of the Coalition for In addition to his humanitarian and for Smiles missions, treating patients andOrgan-Failure Solutions, the Sawasiaacademic work, Dr. Shibly has served training local healthcare workers to provideCharity Foundation, the Alliance for Oralas lead investigator or co-investigator continuous oral care after he completes theHealth Across Borders, and the Syrianon over 50 research grant programs, dental mission ensuring sustainable oralAmerican Medical Society. In addition, hisauthor or co-author of over 150 refereed care to those in need.many community service activities in theand invited publications articles and Buffalo area include serving as co-directorabstracts, delivered over 50 lectures and As laudable as this program is, Dr. Shiblyof Interfaith Community Youth Services,presentations around the world. He also sits had two critical insights that led him toBoard member of Alliances of Homelesson eight editorial boards.conclude that he had to do more. First, heof Western New York, co-chair of the realized that short term dental missionsMuslim-Jewish Youth Interfaith for DialogueOthman Shibly received his D.D.S. degree,while importantwere not adequate toand Community Services, and a membera diploma in periodontology, and an M.S. in provide for the year-round health needsof the Western New York Chapter of theperiodontology from the School of Dentistry of refugees and IDPs. Second, in orderAlzheimers Association. at University of Damascus. He also received to ensure the sustainability of year-rounda D.D.S., a Certificate in Periodontology, refugee programs, he knew he couldThe Syrian American Medical Society hasand an M.S. in Oral Sciences from the State not go it alone. Thus, he forged strategichonored Dr. Shibly with its OutstandingUniversity of New York at Buffalo School of partnerships with industry, non-governmentAchievement Award for innovation andDental Medicineorganizations (NGOs), and academiaoutstanding achievements in oral care for (including the University of Buffalo School offorced immigrants. He was awarded theHonorary Dental Medicine, Harvard School of DentalShills Award in recognition of his leadershipMembership:Medicine, Kings College Dental Instituteand commitment to serving the globalDr. Giovanni in London, and St. Joseph University indental needs of those in distress. AmongZucchelli Beirut).his dozens of other honors, he has receivedThe Academy has the Circle of Distinction Award from thechosen to recognize Acting on these insights enabled Dr.State University of New York at Buffalo, Shibly to initiate a comprehensive fund- the Award for Outstanding Contribution toGiovanni Zucchelli, Dean raising program that made possible theInternational Education from the Omicronof the Department of Periodontology at the construction and full-time operationKappa Upsilon National Honorary DentalBologna University School of Dentistry in of two fully equipped dental clinics inSociety, the Religious Service Award fromItaly, with Honorary Membership. He has refugee camps in Turkey. He subsequentlythe Network of Religious Communities oftwice been awarded the E. Bud Tarrson founded the first dental clinic to treat theWestern New York, the Community ServiceResearch Award in Oral Plastic Surgery by Yezidi internally displaced population inAward from the Muslim Public Affairsthe AAP Foundation.Kurdistan. The clinics have adequate annualCouncil of Western New York, the PlaqueProf. Zucchelli is the incoming president funding to employ two dentists and otherof Appreciation Award from King Abdulazizof the Italian Academy of Osteointegration, healthcare workers to provide free dentalUniversity in Saudi Arabia,a Certificatean active member of both the European care as needed on a daily basis. Each ofof Appreciation from Chonnam NationalAcademy of Esthetic Dentistry and Italian the dentists receives a 150-page trainingUniversity in South Korea, the Honor AwardAcademy of Esthetic Dentistry, as well as an manual written by Dr. Shibly s team.from Multi-Aid Programs in Lebanon, andactive member and past vice-president of Importantly, his program allows thousandsthe Italian Society of Periodontology.AAP Periospectives| 16'