b'VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETINGAttend the AAP Annual Meetingvirtually!Join colleagues from around the globe Nov. 6-15, 2020 for theAttendees will have the opportunity to interact with speakers and first ever Virtual Annual Meeting of the American Academy ofmoderators in select courses through live question and answer Periodontology! This unique 10-day online meeting experiencesessions and/or audience polling. Additionally, participants will have will include engaging virtual continuing education opportunities;access to a library of on-demand CE sessions for up to one-year allow online networking with fellow members, exhibitors, andfollowing the Annual Meeting. corporate sponsors; and will count toward members AnnualThe digital nature of this years Annual Meeting allows attendeesto Meeting attendance requirement. The 2020 Virtual Annualhave access to all CE sessionsno picking and choosing based on Meeting is presented in collaboration with the Japanese Societythe timing! Approximately 35 CE credit hours may be earned through of Periodontology (JSP) and the Japanese Academy of Clinicalthe Virtual Annual Meeting.Periodontology (JACP).Opening Ceremony Virtual Exhibit HallJoin AAP President Dr. Bryan Frantz and Continuing EducationThe virtual Exhibit Hall opens on Friday, Nov. 6, and will remain open Oversight Committee (CEOC) Chair Purnima Kumar for the 2020for the duration of the meeting. Similar to in-person exhibitions, this Virtual Annual Meeting Opening Ceremony on Friday, Nov. 6 atyears Exhibit Hall will showcase the latest in periodontal products 11:00 a.m. PT. Dr. Frantz will give his Presidential Address, andand technologies. Join exhibitors for power hours on Nov. 6 and a unique line-up of invited guests will share brief remarks on the13 for one-on-one meetings or demonstrations, or tour booths at specialty of periodontics and the larger healthcare landscape. Stayyour leisure throughout the meeting. Exhibitor content will also be tuned for more information about this exciting kick-off session! available for one year following the meeting.Continuing EducationMember Resource CenterThe Virtual Annual Meeting CE program features new courseSimilar to in-person Annual Meetings, the Exhibit Hall will feature formats, compelling content, and a global line-up of speakers.a virtual Member Resource Center (MRC). The MRC is the place AAP Periospectives| 6'