b'field of periodontal regeneration. Pamelafor the past 12 years, and she has beenDistinguished Service:McClain was the first recipient of the AAPsrecognized by Dental Products Report asDr. Wayne A. Aldredge R. Earl Robinson Periodontal Regenerationone of the Top 25 Women in Dentistry.Award, a prestigious honor she wasThe Distinguished accorded a total of five times. She hasA former dental hygienist, Dr. McClain hasService Award for also been honored with the Academysworked tirelessly to create collaboration2020 is the latest honor Distinguished Service Award.between periodontists and not only dentalbestowed upon Wayne hygienists, but general dentists, physicians,Aldredge, who is renowned Dr. McClain has served the AAP inand other dental specialists as well. for his passionate advocacy on behalf of numerous key roles, including serving asthe Academy. president, vice president and secretary/ Clinical research has been a particularly treasurer. She has also served as astrong area of focus for Dr. McClain sinceA past president of the AAP, Dr. Aldredge member of the Board of Trustees forher first days in private practice. She hashas served as chair of the Task Force on District 5, chairperson and membermanaged 13 major clinical studies andDental Hygiene Engagement, a trustee of the Continuing Education Oversightauthored or co-authored 25 professionalon five committees, and a member of Committee, chairperson of the Forumarticles and book chapters. Known for herseveral other committees and task forces. for Clinical Innovations, member of thepowers of articulation, she is a renownedHis roles outside the Academy include Scientific Roundtable Advisory Workingpresenter who has authored or co-authoredserving as president of the Northeastern Group, participant in the World Workshop98 professional presentations given toSociety of Periodontists, for which he in Clinical Periodontics, Section Chairconferences and meetings around theis currently a Board member, and as for the Workshop on Contemporaryglobe. Many of these presentations havepresident, vice president, secretary, and Science in Clinical Periodontics, memberfocused on expanding the professionstreasurer of the New Jersey Society of of the Advisory Board to the Journal ofscope of expertise by teaching her peersPeriodontists. He also serves on the Clinical Periodontology for the past 19 years, co- how to improve outcomes of periodontalInnovations subcommittee of the Academy chair of the AAP Regeneration Workshop,regeneration procedures through the useof Osseointegration and on the American and a member of over 25 other committeesa variety of materials and biologics. InDental Associations National Commission and task forces. She was also a Boardthis regard, Dr. McClain has expanded onon Recognition of Dental Specialties and member of the AAP Foundation (for whichthe work done by her father, Dr. RobertCertifying Boards.she served as president and secretary/ Schallhorn. Thanks to her visionary treasurer) and is a reviewer for the Journalleadership of the AAP RegenerationWhile AAP president, Dr. Aldredge oversaw of Periodontology.Workshop, periodontics now has a largethe enhancement of the Academys body of current evidence on root coverage,vision, mission and values statements, In addition to her work on behalf of theenhancing soft tissue, periodontalthe implementation of strategic budgetary Academy, Dr. McClain has also been veryregeneration in both intrabony and furcationconstraints, an enhanced plan for broad active and influential with other professionaldefects, and emerging regenerativeprofessional outreach, the development organizations. She is a Board member oftechnologies. Dr. McClains contributions inof novel goals for private practice and the Osteology Foundation, a past presidentthese areas of clinical teaching, research,dental education enhancements, and and secretary/treasurer of the Rockyand professional advocacy are evidence ofthe increased emphasis on initiatives in Mountain Society of Periodontists, a pastboth her exceptional clinical skills and herdental implantology. As a Diplomate of participant in the European Workshop inpassion for teaching others.the American Board of Periodontology, Periodontology, and a reviewer for thehe was a leading force in changing the Journal of the American Dental Association,Pamela McClain is a graduate of theDiplomate certificate to provide certification the International Journal of Periodontics &University of Colorado School of Dentalin Periodontology and Dental Implant Restorative Dentistry, and the CompendiumMedicine, where she has served as aSurgery.of Continuing Education in Dentistryclinical assistant professor since her Journal. Dr. McClain has also been awardedgraduation. She received her certificate inDr. Aldredges passion and research have fellowships in the American College ofperiodontics at the University of California,contributed greatly to the Academys Dentists and the International College ofSan Francisco School of Dentistry. She hasincreased emphasis on issues involving Dentists and was inducted into the Pierrebeen in clinical practice for 33 years andspecialty training and specialty recognition. Fauchard Academy. She has been namedis a Diplomate of the American Board ofHis expertise in this area has been a Top Dentist by Denvers 5280 magazinePeriodontology. recognized by his appointment as the Continued on page 14AAP Periospectives| 13'