b'Poor Tooth Prognosis Know Your Contracts and PoliciesThe prognosis of the tooth may lead to denial ofAs has always been stated in the past, know some procedures, including soft tissue grafts andthe employers and policies you deal with most osseous surgery. These are difficult to appeal evencommonly. Also know the contracts you decide to if the patient prefers to keep the tooth and maintainparticipate in and the agreements you sign. Once it for as long as possible. A poor prognosis is usuallyyou are a participant, plan limitations are less likely based on the amount of bone loss and pocketto be negotiable and can change annually. And depths.always remember that submitting a pre-treatment estimate avoids delays and confusion related to Crown Lengthening reimbursement. Be careful when submitting for a crown lengthening, especially on second molars. Many times, thereThe AAP Can Helpmay be a bony defect on the distal and pocketingUtilize the resources your organization provides, exists in that area. Hard tissue crown lengthening isincluding workshops, the complaint resolution performed only in the presence of healthy gingivalprocess, resources on AAP Connect, and tissue. If bone loss or pocketing is present, it shouldknowledgeable staff. The AAP is here to help.be submitted as a distal wedge or osseous surgery. Need help with insurance or third-party reimbursement? Submit your questions to insurance@perio.org. Members with coding questions or difficulties with insurance claims can also contact Pam Throw at312-573-3241 or email pamela@perio.org AAP Periospectives| 27'