b'Much of Dr. Zucchellis research hasSpecial Citation: Periodontics from the Columbia University highlighted the periodontal professionsDrs. E. Todd ScheyerSchool of Dental Medicine. He is an ability to reconstruct the estheticand associate clinical professor at the New York appearance through a variety ofBarry D. Wagenberg University School of Dentistry.periodontal plastic surgery procedures. Other areas of his research include softThe Special CitationR. Earl Robinson Regeneration: tissue augmentation and root coverageAward, recognized in esthetic areas and post-extractivemembers for outstandingSponsored by the American Academy sites, treatment of multiple gingivalwork on an Academyof Periodontology Foundationrecessions, treatment of gingivalcommittee or special recession around implants, connectiveproduct, is presentedThis award recognizes an outstanding tissue graft substitutes,regenerativeto Todd Scheyer andrecent scientific article about periodontal treatment in esthetic areas,Barry Wagenberg,periodontal regeneration in the basic and gingival recessions and orthodonticthe co-chairs of theand clinical sciences.For their article, therapy. Academys ContinuingIntrabony defects 20 years after open Education Oversight Committee (CEOC). flap debridement and guided tissue A past winner of the Henry M. Goldmanregeneration published in the May Prize for clinical research, Prof.Drs. Scheyer and Wagenberg have served2019 issue of the Journal of Clinical Zucchelli has authored or co-authoredthe Academy as co-chairs of the CEOCPeriodontology, the Academy recognizes five books, eight book chapters, andfor a combined total of 55 years. Underthese co-authors: Dr. Peter Eickholz, Dr. over 100 scientific articles. He has alsotheir leadership, the CEOC has overseenErik Neukranz, Dr. Katrin Nickles, Dr. Hari delivered over 110 plenary lectures. Hethe expansion of continuing educationPetsos, Dr. Peter Raetzke, and Dr. Petra was also first to have performed a liveopportunities for AAP member periodontists.Ratka-Krger. surgery at EuroPerio. Moreover, they have provided innovative opportunities to leverage the AcademysClinical Research:Dr. Zucchelli holds visitinginteraction with international periodontal professorships at several dental schoolsassociation partners, dental hygieneSponsored by Quintessence Publishingaround the world and is an associatepractitioners, students and new periodontistThis award recognizes an outstanding adjunct professor at the Michigangroups.recent scientific article with direct University. He is an associate editorclinical reference to periodontics. For of the International Journal of EstheticTodd Scheyer received his D.D.S. from the Dentistry and sits on the editorial boardsVirginia Commonwealth University/Medicaltheir article, Porphyromonas gingivalis of the Journal of Periodontology, theCollege of Virginia School of Dentistry andin Alzheimers disease brains: Evidence International Journal of Periodonticshis M.S. in Periodontology and Certificatefor disease causation and treatment with and Restorative Dentistry, and thein Periodontics and Conscious Sedationsmall-molecule inhibitors published International Journal of Oral Implants.from the University of Texas Health Sciencein the January 2019 issue of Science He is also a reviewer for Clinical OralCenter at San Antonio School of Dentistry.Advances, the Academy recognizes co-Investigations, the European Journal ofHe maintains a private practice in Houstonsenior authors Stephen S. Dominy, Casey General Dentistry among others. providing periodontal and dental implantLynch and Jan Potempa, and co-authors services and offering conscious sedation. HeKarina Adamowicz, Shirin Arastu-Kapur, Giovanni Zucchelli received his DDS.also serves as a clinical assistant instructorMalgorzata Benedyk, Maurice A. Curtis, and PhD degrees from Bolognain the Department of Endodontics andFlorian Ermini, Richard L. M. Faull, Christina University in Italy where he is nowPeriodontics at the University of Texas SchoolGriffin, Ursula Haditsch, Hatice Hasturk, full professor in periodontology andof Dentistry at Houston. Annelie Hellvard, Leslie J. Holsinger, Samer implantology and President of the dentalKaba, Andrei Konradi, Alexander Lee, Agata hygiene school. Barry Wagenberg received his D.M.D.Marczyk, Piotr Mydel, Mai Nguyen, Barbara from the University of Pennsylvania SchoolPotempa, Debasish Raha, Eric C. Reynolds, of Dental Medicine and his Certificate inMark I. Ryder and Glenn D. Walker. AAP Periospectives| 17'