b'S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 2 0FEATURE STORIES12 18 28 40THE ACADEMYLEGISLATIVEGRADUATING INHAVE SOMETHING CELEBRATES ITSUPDATE A PANDEMIC ORINNOVATIVE TO 2020 AWARDKNOW SOMEONESHARE?WINNERS WHO IS?ARTICLES5 Presidents message 39 New Periodontist Corner6 Attend the AAP Annual Meeting.virtually! 42 Refreshing the AAPs scientific strategy8 The virtues of virtual meetings43Coming soon: A tribute to Dr. Steven Offenbacher in the 21 Ask the BoardJournal of Periodontology21 Call for new business items for the AAP 44 Whats up doc?2020 General Assembly46 AAPs longest living member passes away at 10522 Sponsor thank you 46 In memoriam: Robert Ferris 24 Whats new in periodontal education? 47 Perio people: members on the move25 AAP responds to World Health Organization statement48 ABP update26 Ask the Coding Coach 50AAP Foundation activities at the AAP Virtual32 The AAPs Insurance Workshops are now virtual! Annual Meeting34 Welcome new members 51 AAP Foundation celebrates 30 years36 International UpdateAAP Periospectives| 4'