b'Member resources In addition to periodontal societies, the Academy recognizes One of the most important functions of the Annual Meetingthe work done by other dental health professionals. The AAP is to gather thousands of AAP members in one place.strongly believes that optimal patient health is achieved when Those members can meet with staff face to face to addresshealth care providers from a range of fields work together to questions about their membership, or just say hello toprovide treatment. Thats why the Annual Meeting will once again the people theyve exchanged emails with throughout thehost its Dental Hygiene Symposium.year. Items from the AAP store will also be available forPartnershipspurchase, and all attendees can update their professional headshots at the ever-popular Photo Studio.All of the programs, research, and journals the AAP provides for its members wouldnt be possible without funding. While much The meeting also gives members the opportunity to meetof that funding comes from membership dues, without additional their district trustees in person. In addition to informalsupport from our partners, much of the Academys programming discussions during the opening night Welcome Reception,would not exist, including the Annual Meeting itself.District Forums provide an open discussion for members to learn about AAP initiatives and share their thoughts withMany AAP supplier partners will be on hand in the exhibit hall their regional representatives. demonstrating the technologies and services that are changing periodontology. AAP Perio Perks Partners who offer discounted Collaboration services to members will have special booths surrounding Collaboration is the key to a healthy professionalthe Member Resource Center. Be sure to visit them! Several organization such as the AAP. This takes the form ofAAP partners will also be giving in-depth lectures during the partnerships with other periodontal societies as well asCorporate Forum. dental fields outside of periodontics. With many of theOne of the AAPs oldest partners is the AAP Foundation (AAPF). COVID-related travel restrictions finally expiring, the AAPIn addition to special events, the AAPF will also be hosting their is excited to welcome back colleagues from the Japaneseperennial favorite Silent Auction. Academy of Clinical Periodontology (JACP) and the Japanese Society of Periodontology (JSP).If you havent already made your plans to attend the Annual Meeting, please visit am2022.perio.org and register today! AAP Periospectives| 7'