b'Networking brings new graduates togetherthe dental hygiene, dental assistant, or dental with seasoned clinicians who may assist inlaboratory technician fields. Your mentoring connecting the best individuals together. As aat this early age can make an impact. The specialist, you may help promote this. good news is that there are plenty of patients returning for care post-pandemic! If you are Lastly, continuing education is much neededambitious, why not obtain funding for a new for the new and early career dentist. As youdental assisting or dental hygiene school?organize your study groups and continuingCreating something new can be enjoyable and education topics, think of topics these newcollaborative as you enhance our profession referral groups would be interested in additionand expand your periodontal footprint in the to periodontics. A 2019 new graduate five-yearcommunity.survey from Texas A&M University, School of Dentistry, indicated that dental graduates desiredSecondly, new trends in digital technology may much more education on practice managementalso position you as a leader in your community. and endodontic treatment.Perhaps youTradition meets technology is a theme I like could include continuing education which willto embrace as we cannot forget the long, provide speakers on practice management,proven techniques as new digital techniques case presentation, and include endodontics/ arise.However, keeping your referrals abreast periodontics diagnosis and treatment planning. of the evidence-based literature and industry Education on stress management is healthy fordevelopments supports contemporary specialty all but especially the early career professionalpractice and referral connectivity. as, according to Anthology Nationwide Student Survey, mental health has been a real concernLastly, cultural competency and diversity are for students and young professionals.Yourcurrent topics in the workforce, universities, awareness of the mental health of dentaland communities.How can these trends professionals will position you as a caring andand discussions bring more referrals to your emotionally-aware specialist. practice? Know that welcoming those from different backgrounds enhances and broadens 3. Take a chance: Embrace new trends inour thoughts and can enhance your practice with dentistry as new opportunities. There area wider range of referrals and patient base.3 trends which you could impact. Creativity in your outreach to new referral groups willBuilding a referral network is a balance of be well invested if you view difficult times inmaking new friends while keeping the old. As dentistry as new ways to connect.medical based treatment outcomes include the dental profession and periodontal disease First, staff shortages are at an all-time hightreatment, third party payers will be assessing according to Marko Vujicic, Ph.D., Chiefoverall health outcomes and how effective a Economist and Vice President of the ADA Healthprovider may be. Consider being credentialled Policy Institute. Have you had trouble employingat your community hospital as this may also a dental hygienist or a skilled surgical assistantexpand your referral base to include physician-post pandemic? With 40% of practices reportingbased professionals too. Serving on community staff openings and 90% of offices stating thatboards will also position you as a community staff shortages are an issue as patient careleader which will be time well spent as your has increased, you might ask, How can I makereferrals continue to build. Networking with a difference in my community? Those whothe dental, medical, and community leaders is lost employment during the pandemic maymore possible than ever if you have the vision to be receptive to career changes, and dentistryimagine what the future may hold for you, your may be a positive outcome for them. Reachspecialty, and especially your patients. out to middle school and high school students and encourage them to consider a career in AAP Periospectives| 41'