b"B Y C H R I S T O P H E R R . R I C H A R D S O N , D M D , M StoPRESIDENT'S MESSAGEOctober is one of my favorite times of the year, notfull display at the Research Forum Poster Session and the just because of the cooler fall weather, but alsoprestigious Balint Orban Memorial Competition. because it is the time of year when the members of our organization gather for our Annual Meeting.This issue ofThe Annual Meeting also provides the opportunity to be involved Periospectives is one of mixed emotions for me. Im excitedwith the operational business and strategic direction of the about the Annual Meeting, but sad that my term as AAPorganization. One of the most important functions of the Annual President is coming to an end. Meeting is to gather thousands of AAP members in one place so that everyones voice can be heard. District Forums provide The AAP Annual Meeting, taking place in Phoenix, Oct.a platform for members to learn about AAP initiatives and share 27-30, is the largest meeting in North America devotedtheir thoughts with their regional representatives, while the to the practice and science of periodontology.It is atGeneral Assembly provides members a view of our financial this meeting where new surgical techniques, the mosthealth as well as potential changes that may be considered in up-to-date evidence-based research, and collaborativeour constitution and bylaws. It is also a wonderful opportunity to approaches to complex treatment planning are shared, notmeet the next generation of trustees and officers.only in the lecture room, but also over a cup of coffee in the exhibit hall, or a beverage at the hotel bar. This is theCollaboration, celebration, and certainly gratitude will be interactive experience that we have all taken for grantedsignificant components of this meeting.We are excited to for so many years, but now coming out of COVID, wewelcome back our colleagues from the Japanese Academy of will have the opportunity to appreciate the importance ofClinical Periodontology (JACP) and the Japanese Society of this event to gather and exchange ideas with a renewedPeriodontology (JSP) as global collaboration is key to long-perspective. term success. Join Dr. Flavia Pirih (AAPF President) and I as we celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of our The AAP Annual Meeting draws the absolute best andmembers with the AAP and AAPF Awards. Last but not least, brightest private practice clinicians, academicians,we are grateful to our corporate partners and welcome them to residents, international members, and corporate partnersthe exhibit hall and the corporate forums.in the specialty. Annual Meeting attendees will have the chance to get a preview of the findings from the AAPsFinally, I cannot believe this year has flown by so quickly. most recent Best Evidence Consensus (BEC) on theThe Board of Trustees continues to be diligent in overseeing utilization of Biologic Mediators in a special session hostedthe long-term strategic plan including science, membership, by several of the leaders of the BEC conference.Youadvocacy, financial forecasting, and being a stringent fiduciary will also see an increased focus on programming gearedof member dues. I would like to extend a personal invitation to toward saving teeth and our Opening General Session willeach and every member of the Academy to attend this years feature two amazing speakers discussing Perio-RestorativeAnnual Meeting in Phoenix and if you have not registered, treatment planning, surgical and restorative approachesplease visit, am2022.perio.orgto the management of the compromised dentition, andI also want to express my deepest gratitude on being able to successful maintenance care.represent this specialty and organization as your president. The The entire periodontal specialty owes a debt of gratitudeupcoming officers and trustees are exceptional volunteers and to the educators in universities across the globe as wellwill continue to ensure the AAP is moving forward.as the young people comprising the next generation ofSincerely,periodontists.As we all know, these periodontal educators drive the ideas of their students which influence virtuallyChristopher R. Richardson, DMD, MSevery facet of clinical care. Their research will be onPresident, American Academy of Periodontology Diplomate, American Board of PeriodontologyAAP Periospectives| 5"