b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKHow is the education programming at the AAPs Annual Meeting put together?-Active Member, Albuquerque, N.M.Thank you for your timely question. The Annual Meeting is a showcase of the AAPs contributions to periodontology, but it is also the premier in-person opportunity for AAP members to expand their knowledge of the latest periodontal techniques and research.Programming for each Annual Meeting begins over a year before the meeting takes place. To give a direct example, the process for selectingThese insights help ensure that the most relevant the speakers and course topics taking place attopics are selected and presented by the professions the 2022 Annual Meeting began back in themost engaging speakers.autumn of 2020.Thank you again for your important question, and on The Continuing Education Oversight Committeebehalf of the Academy, thank you for (CEOC) starts the process by putting out anyour membership. open call for speakers and topic ideas. For the 2022 Annual Meeting, these were due way backKirk Noraian, DDS, MS in November of 2020.District 4 Trustee Board of TrusteesDuring the months of December 2020 and January 2021, the CEOC reviewed the submissions received and gathered their own ideas for potential speakers and topics. This homework was then shared at the in-person CEOC meeting held in Chicago in April 2021.During this meeting, the CEOC shared their recommendations, and then collaborated to put together the education program for the Annual Meeting. This program was presented to the AAP BoardCall for Officer, District and ABP of Trustees at their May meeting for approval.Director CandidatesOnce approved, AAP staff began securingMembers interested in elected district speakers, contracts, and sponsor support. office should contact their current District Trustees for Trustee positions and for Ideas for speakers and topics for the 2024positions on the Officer Nominating Annual Meeting are currently open until Nov. 15.Committee and the Nominating Committee The CEOC values feedback from our members.for the American Board of Periodontology. Please visit perio.org for more information.AAP Periospectives| 21'