b'YOUR MEMBERSHIPNew periodontistcornerGet to know AAP member and newIs there a piece of advice you received that you try to periodontist, Mahmoud Hamad,implement daily?DMD, MMSc. Dr. Hamad completedHave the end in mind. This applies to clinical and life his periodontal training at thedecisions. When you have the end in mind, the journey Harvard School of Dental Medicinebecomes crystal clear.in May of 2022. What is the first thing you do in What do you like to do after work?the morning? After a long day of work, I like to listen to music or a podcast on the way home. This is followed by exercising with good When I wake up, I like to write down my goalsfriends and then FaceTiming with my parents, brothers, and for the day, do some morning stretches, brew myselffriends.coffee, and then read through my emails and messages. I like to keep the mornings peaceful and productive to setOutside of work, what is the one thing you do every day the trend for the rest of the day.that brings you joy?How do you schedule your day? I enjoy practicing yoga, which keeps me physically fit, and journaling, which keeps me mentally healthy and allows me to My day is first scheduled with to-do lists that mainlysee my day from a birds eye view. consist of calling patients, referring dentists, and doctors.Next, is a full day of patient care.I close the day withAny advice you would give to a periodontist that has writing emails and messages to keep all the referringrecently graduated?doctors on the same page.Give yourself the time to adapt to new surroundings. Youre What is the most challenging part of your day? just starting the ride and it will all work out fine!The most challenging part of the day is juggling all my duties as a new periodontist. From dealing with surgical complications to consulting with busy physicians forStudent and New Periodontist more medically complex patients, keeping everything well organized and documented is difficult, yet so important.events at the 108 thAnnual Meeting!On a more personal level, it is challenging to be motivatedEV6: Student and New Periodontist Session and stay consistent with exercise and having a healthyModerator: Dr. Jeremiah Whetman diet with the busy schedule that comes with being a periodontist.Speakers: Drs. Britany Matin and Luis GuzmanFriday, Oct. 28, Noon - 2 p.m.What is the most rewarding part of your day? Ticketed Event - Lunch IncludedProfessionally, the most rewarding part of my day is seeingSponsored by Straumannand connecting with patients. I believe that saving andEV7: Student and New Periodontist Member Reception retaining teeth is a team effort. I like when patients reachFriday, Oct. 28, 2022 6:308 p.m.the point of understanding that they, themselves, play asThe Duce, 525 South Central Avenuelarge of a role in treating their teeth as I do.Ticketed Event - Transportation ProvidedSponsored by MedPro and Treloar & Heisel.AAP Periospectives| 34'