b'SCIENCE & INNOVATIONCAP refreshAs mentioned previously, a refresh of CAP is underway, with the goal of making CAP the most innovative, authoritative, and widely read journal for clinical teams involved in periodontal and implant-related therapy. This effort is being led by co-editors Dr. Gustavo Avila-Ortiz and Dr. Purnima Kumar. To date, a new Editorial Advisory Board has been appointed, author guidelines have been updated, and a new page design has been selected. Look for the preview in December, which will be a special issue containing clinical papers related to the 2022 Best Evidence Consensus meeting on Biologics in Contemporary Periodontal Clinical Practice.Member resource centerBoth JOP and CAP will have a presence at this years Annual Meeting. Stop by the AAP Journals Roundup Member Resource Center in the Exhibit Hall, booth #925, to learn about the enhancements to CAP; get assistance navigating CAP and JOP on the Wiley The Academy, journal editors, and Wiley work continuously toOnline Library; provide feedback on the AAPs journals; and more. We look advance the Journal of Periodontology (JOP) and Clinical Advances inforward to seeing you in Phoenix!Periodontics (CAP) and enhance their value for AAP members. Learn Discounted open access feesabout the latest initiatives and the status of current projects below.As a reminder, AAP members who publish ReX submission platform in JOP and CAP receive a 33% discount This summer, JOP and CAP were migrated to Wileys new submissionon open access fees. More information platform called Research Exchange, or ReX. ReX is a streamlinedis available via Wileys Author Resources platform for authors that reduces the time and effort it takes tohub at https://authorservices.wiley.submit manuscripts. In ReX, authors upload their files; ReX scanscom/author-resources/Journal-the manuscript and extracts key information; and authors verify theAuthors/open-access/index.html information, confirm additional details, and then submit. Currently,Click Gold Open Access halfway down more than 400 journals published by Wiley are using ReX. Recentthe page; a current price list can be feedback indicates that most authors agree or strongly agree that it isdownloaded by clicking the Hybrid OA easy and straightforward to submit articles for consideration in JOPPrice List button. For the discount code, and CAP using ReX. To submit manuscripts, use the following links: contact Julie Daw at julie@perio.orgor Mary Rose Zoeckler atJOP: https://wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/JPER maryrose@perio.org CAP: https://wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/CAPNote: You must have a Wiley Researcher ID to use ReX. If you do not have one, an ID can easily be created.AAP Periospectives| 38'