b'Cupertino, Calif. and his teaching dutiesImplant-Related Plastic Surgery, co- Distinguished Service:at the University of California, Sanauthored with Dr. Leandro Chambrone,Dr. Bryan J. FrantzFrancisco and University of Pacific. Thiswas published in 2022 by Quintessence is in addition to his clinical researchInternational.The 2022 Distinguished which focuses on developing newService Award recipient is clinical applications for regenerationBeginning in 2003, his PhD researchDr. Bryan J. Frantz.using biological mediators and the usefocused on platelet rich plasmas of stem cell allograft in periodontal andinfluence on cell proliferation. His MSDr. Frantz trained at the dental implant procedures. Dr. Kaosresearch at the University of MichiganUniversity of Rochester under his research also includes studying the role(2006-2009) evaluated the impact ofmentor Dr. Jack Caton. Dr. Caton of periodontal phenotypes in clinicalanatomic variables on the outcomes ofinstilled in him an obligation to give therapy. maxillary sinus augmentation. Multipleback to his chosen specialty and has subsequent clinical studies assessedserved as a role model throughout Dr. Kaos practice was selected as onethe effectiveness of different types ofhis career. Dr. Frantz performed of the FDAs Phase III clinical trials forgrafting materials and the influence ofresearch during his time in Rochester the development of the rhPDGF-TCPremaining bone height as well as lateraland published in the Journal of for periodontal regeneration. For thiswindow size. Approximately 10 yearsPeriodontology shortly after the work, he was one of the recipients ofago, his research focus turned to theconclusion of his residency. Throughout the AAPs R. Earl Robinson Periodontalimpact of ridge preservation, and hishis career, he has continued to Regeneration Award in 2006, 2014,2014 systematic review on the effectremain active in research and has and 2016. His accolades also includeof alveolar ridge preservation afterauthored numerous publications. In the California Society of Periodontologytooth extraction is a frequently citedaddition, he has served as a mentor Outstanding Contribution tomanuscript with over 200 citations. Heto future periodontists by volunteering Periodontics Award (2006, 2009), thehas methodically analyzed variableshis time not only at his alma mater, AAP Educator Award (2012), the AAPinfluencing treatment outcomes andthe University of Rochester, but the Gold Medal Award (2021), and the AAPtranslated these into systematic reviewsperiodontics department at the Temple Clinical Research Award (2021). and presentations that provide theUniversity as well.Distinguished Scientist: clinician with a scientific foundation forDr. Frantz was part of the AAPs decision-making. Executive Committee and served as Dr. Gustavo Avila-Ortiz Sponsored by Crest +Dr. Avila-Ortiz has Chaired or Co- AAP President from 20192020. Oral-B chaired numerous national andHis leadership roles also include being international committees and workingPresident of the AAP Foundation from The recipient of thegroups. These include serving as the20102011 and a member of the Academys 20222020 Scientific Program Co-chairAAPF Board from 20182021. He has Distinguished Scientistand Moderator of the USA Nationalalso served as board examiner for the Award is Dr. Gustavo Avila-Ortiz. Osteology Symposium, Chair of theABP and was recently elected to the AAP Best Evidence consensus Advisoryrole of ABP Director.Dr. Avila-Ortizs interest in clinicalWorking Group (2020), Co-chair of research was evident from his dentalthe AAP Task force on Future ScienceThree months after being installed as school days, during which he receivedStrategy (2019-21), and Co-chair ofAAP President, the COVID-19 pandemic the Pierre Fauchard Internationalthe upcoming AAP Best Evidencehit, which led to the shutdown of nearly, Academy Award as the DistinguishedConsensus on the use of biologics inif not all, dental offices in the U.S. The Best Predoctoral Dental Student. Heperiodontal practice. He has receivedAAP had to make major shifts in how published his first scientific paper inmultiple awards for his clinical research,it did its work while also recognizing 2003. Since that time, Dr. Avila-Ortizincluding first prize at the Academythe need to educate and reassure has published over 100 papers inof Osseointegration in 2016, andits members. Dr. Frantzs leadership peer-reviewed journals. In addition, heco-recipient of the 2021 AAP Clinicalculminated in the development of the has co-authored numerous textbookResearch Award. Academys response to the COVID chapters. His own textbook, TISSUES:crisis including moving staff to offsite Critical Issues in Periodontal and Continued on page 18AAP Periospectives| 17'