b'PERIO PEOPLE3 strategies to power up referralnetworkingPresented by: Amerian D. Sones DMD, MS President, Academy of Osseointegration Executive Director, Continuing Education Chief, communication may not afford. Whether traditional or online Dental Oncology and Center formeeting, bridging the old with new communication styles will Maxillofacial Prosthodonticsenable us to achieve the highest patient outcomes and success Texas A&M University, School offor all.Dentistry, Dallas, Texas 2. Be a visionary: Understand the trends of new dental As a prosthodontist, I have always held mygraduates. These following 3 visionary activities will periodontal colleagues with high esteem.enhance your referrals! I have known so many accomplished Because our practices are based on referrals,periodontists over the years. Dr. Esther Wilkins from Tufts we have the shared concern of engagingSchool of Dental Medicine made an impact shaping my our referral base in a world of fast pacedprofessional career as she corrected my posture as a first-year technology and emergent new practice models. dental student. I will never forget her! Let me share 3 ways to power up yourFirst, mentoring young professionals impacts all positively.For referral networking as we emerge from thisthe first time ever, over 56% of dental school graduates are global pandemic. women. Be ready to understand the best ways to connect with women professionals as they gain experience and raise their 1. Engage in digital collaboration: Knowfamilies. Time is the most valuable commodity and increasing your referral bases networking preferences. workflow efficiency is key. Your help is much appreciated.Traditional networking involved the classicMentoring can be reversed too as the early-career dentists may referral lunch invitation. Is this a realistichelp you with many of the technological questions you have!I option in our busy lives?I would like to sayhave learned much from my residents.yes! However, in-person lunch meetings may not be as frequent and networking nowSecondly, early career dental professionals will have different includes digital collaboration. Technology hasinterests than seasoned professionals as practice models made it easier than ever for interdisciplinaryand experience impact their needs for referring patients. New teams to collaborate, and the pandemicgraduates begin their career with high debt which is usually forced us to fast forward with onlineover $185,000 or more.Although 57% pursue postgraduate connectivity. Dont forget that lunching iseducation, those who go immediately to practice usually join as an an opportunity to get to know your referral inassociate dentist in a group practice with the hopes of diminishing a more personal way which Zoom or onlinetheir debt as quickly as possible. How can you help in this area?AAP Periospectives| 40'