b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKComing Soon! AAP to launchDental Hygiene Study Club Program The AAP is excited to launch a new initiative thatcustomizable templates, best practice resources, and positions AAP members as leaders and mentorsmarketing content.in front of local dental hygiene colleagues: TheTo compel hygienists to seek out AAP members as AAP Dental Hygiene Study Club Program.partners in care, those who participate in the program Focused on enhancing collaborative relationshipsthrough a subscribing AAP member will be eligible to enroll between periodontists and dental hygienists, thein the AAP Dental Hygiene Recognition Program, allowing program will consist of hygiene focused, turnkeythem to download certificates of participation and track resources for members to use in facilitating atheir progress towards different tiers of recognition. dental hygiene study club in their local areas.Look for the AAP Dental Hygiene Study Club Program to Materials will include prerecorded video modules,roll out towards the end of 2022! articles and other background materials, AAP Education Access is now live! Check out the new Education Access Modules at https://www.perio.org/periodontal-education/education-access/These materials were created to address the specific needs expressed by program directors across the country, and to compliment curriculum for both predoctoral and postdoctoral programs. There are four AAP Education Access topics available, broken up into predoctoral and postdoctoral categories. Predoctoral topic: Pharmacology, developed by a workgroup led by Dr. Binnaz LeblebiciogluPostdoctoral topics: Treatment for Patients with Disabilities, developed by a workgroup led by Dr. Alexandra Tsigarida Oral Medicine, developed by a workgroup led by Dr. Angela Palaiologou-Gallis Practice Management, developed by a workgroup led by Dr. Alon FrydmanThanks toOral Healthcare for sponsoring this years AAP Education Access Modules.For more information, please contact Tameisha Williams, Manager, Academic Affairs at tameisha@perio.orgAAP Periospectives| 23'