b'2022 ANNUAL MEETINGThe Academy celebrates its 2022 award winnersEach year, the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) honors members whose service and dedication have made a meaningful impact on the field of periodontics. Meet the Academys 2022 Award recipients, who will be recognized along with the recipients of the AAP Foundation distinctions, at a special ceremony on Friday, Oct. 28 during the AAPs 108 thAnnual Meeting in Phoenix.Gold Medal: American Board of Periodontology andDr. Mealey has delivered over 300 Dr. Brian Mealey was a consultant to the American Dentallectures at regional, national and Association Council on Scientific Affairsinternational meetings. He is the editor The Gold Medal isfor over two decades.and co-author of two textbooks and the AAPs highestthe author or coauthor of 28 textbook honor. For 2022, theDr. Mealey has received thechapters and over 100 published papers Academy is pleased toDistinguished Service Award inin peer-reviewed journals.present the Gold Medal2019 by the American Academy of award to Dr. Brian Mealey.Periodontology. The Academy hasMaster Clinician:previously recognized Dr. MealeysDr. Richard Kao Dr. Brian Mealey is a Clinical Professorexemplary contributions with theSponsored by of the Specialist Division in theFellowship Award (2004), the William J.HuFriedyGroupDepartment of Periodontics at UTGies Periodontology Award (2012), the Health San Antonio School of Dentistry.Outstanding Periodontal Educator AwardThe Master Clinician He received his DDS in 1983 from UT(2018), and a Special Citation Award forAward honors an Academy Health San Antonio, his MS degree fromhis service on the organizing committeemember who has practiced UT Health San Antonio in 1990, and hisof the 2017 World Workshop on theand demonstrated consistent clinical certificate in Periodontics in 1990 fromClassification of Periodontal and Peri- excellence in periodontics and who has Wilford Hall Air Force Medical CenterImplant Disease and Conditions (2018). willingly and unselfishly shared that at Lackland Air Force Base in Sanclinical experience with members of Antonio, Texas. He served more thanDuring the course of his lengthythe profession. The 2022 winner of the 21 years on active duty in the Unitedinvolvement with the Academy, Dr.Master Clinician award is Dr. Richard KaoStates Air Force, including positions asMealey has served on 28 different Chair of the Department of Periodonticscommittees, served as the District 8Dr. Kao is a renowned clinician in the at Wilford Hall Medical Center, therepresentative on the Academys Boardfield of tissue regeneration. Dr. Kao program director of the U.S. Air Forceof Trustees, lectured at the Academysreceived his DDS from the University of Periodontics Residency, and the ChiefAnnual Meeting almost every year,California, San Francisco back in 1982, Military Consultant in Periodontics to thetaught numerous continuing educationhis PhD at the same institution in 1984 Air Force Surgeon General.courses, served on the Journal ofand then periodontic certificates in 1991. Periodontology Editorial Advisory Board,Over the past three decades, Dr. Kao Dr. Mealey has published extensively inand presented at and chaired many ofhas contributed to numerous Academy scientific literature, with an emphasisthe Academys Pre-and Postdoctoralactivities, including serving as an AAP on interrelationships between oral andWorkshops. He also held three positionsPresident, and he has worked tirelessly systemic health. He is co-editor andwith the AAP Foundation and was afor advancement in the field of tissue author of the textbooks Periodontics:member of the American Board ofengineering.Medicine, Surgery, and ImplantsPeriodontology for six years, holding four (2004, Elsevier Publishing), anddifferent positions including Chair for theThroughout his career, Dr. Kao has Periodontal Medicine (2000, B.C. Decker2011/2012 year. divided his time between providing Publishing). He is a Diplomate of theclinical patient care in both San Jose and AAP Periospectives| 16'