b'impact in helping people with their oral health whileYou have been an ABP examiner for also allowing me to have long term relationships withmany years.Tell us why you decided to them. I still love to see my patients out and about involunteer to become an examiner?my community and love having someone shout, Hi, Dr. Crosby, while Im in line at the grocery store. TheI did not volunteer to become an examiner. I was relationships and sense of community associated withgraciously invited to become an examiner upon the our specialty has always been important to me. recommendation of my friend, colleague, and former program director at UIC, Dr. Joe Califano. Joe was Are you working in private practice and/oran examiner during my time in residency and always academics? impressed upon us the importance of understanding not only what treatment we were providing, but why I just celebrated 15 years in my private practice in St.we were providing it. He, and our attending faculty, Charles, Ill. I also hold an adjunct faculty position inpushed us every day to be the best we could be. the Department of Periodontics at the UIC College ofResidency was three years of hard work and little Dentistry. sleep, but I will always be thankful to Dr. Califano for making me so well prepared to start my career as a What do you enjoy most about yourperiodontist. The knowledge base, critical thinking, current work as a periodontist?and surgical skills I was taught have made me a One of the most rewarding aspects for me as abetter person and practitioner.periodontist is the impact I can have on someone simply through education. As I see dentistry changingWhat is oral exam week like from an and evolving, from the introduction of corporateexaminers perspective?dentistry, to the fast-paced procedure and financiallySome examiners refer to exam week as Groundhog driven mentality that is now a mainstay in ourDay, in reference to the movie with Bill Murray. There society, I feel that many patients lose out on reallyare five days of the exact same regimented schedule, understanding their options and the treatment that isso its easy to feel that you are reliving the same being proposed to them. When I am in a consultation,day over again. With that being said, what makes I use many photos, videos, and software to helpthe week worthwhile as an examiner, for me, are the someone understand not only why they are there tocandidates that you examine that come prepared see me, but what their options are for treatment. Theand knock it out of the park with their passion and biggest compliment I receive is when someone says,knowledge base. Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. That is when I truly know I have done my job as anExam week is also a time, for me, of great connection educator. with the Board Directors and other examiners. It is truly a privilege and honor to be examining alongside Why did you pursue board certification? every one of the periodontists there, I am constantly I felt that I owed it to both myself and my patients tohumbled at being a member of this amazing group achieve the highest standard of certification in qualityof individuals. I have also made some very important of care, knowledge, and proficiency in our specialty.friendships that I will always value.How has board certification helped youWhat does being a Diplomate of the throughout your career? American Board of Periodontology mean to you?It has given me the confidence that I have achieved the knowledge base and continued learning I need toIt means distinction, excellence, and integrity. I always provide optimum patient care. It also has set me out intry to remember, with every individual I treat, the trust my community as a practitioner who has gone aboveand confidence that has been bestowed upon me and beyond what is considered acceptable standardsby them. As a Diplomate, I have pledged to strive to and education for a dental professional. always be the best I can be for myself, my community, and our specialty as a whole. AAP Periospectives| 43'