b'2022 ANNUAL MEETINGAward winnersSchincaglia started the periodonticsmember of the Osteology Foundation Continued from page 17 program from scratch in West Virginiaand of the Continental European Division and took it through a successful(CED) of the IADR. and virtual workspaces, developmentaccreditation process before moving to Ohios Case Western University.His research interests focus on of an all-new model of virtual learning,His fame as an educator is not limitedperiodontal wound healing and a webinar series (five of which heto these Universities. Owing to hisregeneration, regenerative and personally participated in), continuousnumerous research publications, andplastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, video messaging to members, andengaging presentation style, he hasuse of antibiotics, antiseptics, and a virtual Annual Meeting programbeen invited nationally and internationallynovel approaches such as lasers and developed in just five months.to teach dentists, students, andphotodynamic therapy in the treatment Outstanding Periodontalresidents. of periodontal and peri-implant Educator: Dr. Gianinfections. Pietro SchincagliaHonorary Membership: Dr. Sculean has been a speaker at Sponsored by theDr. Anton Sculean several AAP annual meetings and was a American Academyparticipant in the 2017 Working Group of PeriodontologyThe Academyon Mucogingival Conditions. As Chair of Foundation is pleased tothe 2025 EuroPerio Congress in Vienna, The Academys Outstanding Periodontalbestow an honoraryAustria he is planning a joint symposium Educator for 2022 is Dr. Gian Pietromembership to Dr. Anton Sculean between the AAP and EFP. Schincaglia.Dr. Sculean is professor and chairmanH. Dalton Conner Dr. Schincaglia has been in practiceof the Department of PeriodontologyHumanitarian:as a periodontist since 1993. Fromand the current head of the DentalDr. Theresa Cheng2007- 2014 he served as the ClinicalResearch Center (DRC) of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern,The H. Dalton Assistant Professor and GraduateSwitzerland. Dr. Sculean has authoredConner Humanitarian Program Director in the Division ofmore than 460 articles in peer-reviewedaward is presented to Periodontology, Department of Oraljournals, 30 chapters in periodontalan Academy member who has given Health & Diagnostic Sciences, at thetextbooks, and has delivered moreselflessly through extraordinary actions University of Connecticut School ofthan 500 lectures at national andthat benefit a deserving population. Dental Medicine. From 2014 - 2016,international meetings. He is Editor inThe 2022 recipient of this honor is Dr. he was Chair of Oral Implantology atChief of Periodontology 2000.Theresa Cheng.the University of Ferrara Italy School of Dentistry. From 2016 - 2021 Dr.Dr. Sculean has been a recipient ofWith over a decades effort, Dr. Schincaglia was the graduate programmany research awards, including theTheresa Cheng volunteered for, Chair at West Virginia Universitys SchoolDistinguished Scientist Award of thefounded and established Everyone for of Dentistry, and since July of 2021 hasInternational Association for DentalVeterans to help low-income veterans been the Chair and Graduate ProgramResearch (IADR), the Anthony Rizzoget life-changing dental care and Director at Case Western ReserveYoung Investigator Award of themore. Everyone for Veterans (E4V) is School of Dental Medicine, DepartmentPeriodontal Research Group (PRG)a nonprofit organization devoted to of Periodontology.of the IADR, the IADR/PRG Award inimproving the quality of life of veterans Regenerative Periodontal Medicine, andby connecting them to their communities While in UConn Health, the schoolthe Distinguished Teacher Award of thefor services and goods. benefitted from Dr. SchincagliasEuropean Orthodontic Society. He is leadership as he secured multiplethe Past President of the PeriodontalCurrently, E4V has more than 570 grants for clinical research, served onResearch Group of the IADR, of thedentists, plus dozens of specialists many advisory committees for mastersSwiss Society of Periodontology, of theand dental labs across the United theses, and uplifted the morale ofEuropean Federation of PeriodontologyStates who have provided volunteer the entire department. He created a(EFP), and of the International Academyservices to low-income veterans. In legacy in UConn Health and then againof Periodontology (IAP). He is a boardaddition, E4V helps to connect veterans in West Virginia University. In fact, Dr.with goods and services in their local AAP Periospectives| 18'