b'The International Lounge is back at the AnnualThe Annual Meeting provides an opportunity to ask questions Meeting! and speak with the wonderful sales representatives in the Visit the International Lounge during the AAPs 108 th exhibit hall. I especially learn a lot from networking with Annual Meeting in Phoenix! Back after a years- colleagues. The social activities are priceless, and I always long absence, the AAP will once again feature ancome home with some entertaining stories.International Lounge exclusively for our internationalI would not be the periodontist I am today had I not become guests. This globally themed space, located in thea member of this crucial organization. The AAP represents exhibit halls Member Resource Center (MRC- boothperiodontists not only in the U.S. and Canada, but across the 925), is the perfect place to sit and mingle with fellowglobe. We get to take and feel the pulse of what is going on in international colleagues, receive a pin with your homethe perio world in Europe, South America, and Asia because of countrys flag, and pin the name of your country on thethe Academys diverse, international membership.AAPs International Attendee map!International member spotlightMy daughter is now in a periodontal program, and she is a Jacques Thibault DDSstudent member of the AAP. Just like me, she understands the importance of being a part of a community of professionals I became a member of the AAP in 1986 uponwho make things happen in the periodontal world. graduating from my perio program at the University of Toronto, and currently practice in a remote community four hours north of Toronto. In addition to AAP publications such as Periospectives and the Journal of Periodontology, I rely on the Annual meeting to keep me up to date on our wonderful profession. My staff and I have attended numerous AAP Annual Meetings over the years and enjoyed every minute of them. I get to learn the latest trends and thought processes from speakers who are known throughoutJacques Thibault, DDS, and his daughter the world. The workshops are unbeatable.Emilie Thibault, DMDRecent leadership and volunteer activitiesThe following AAP volunteer groups recently met either in-person or virtually: ABP Oral Exam Committee AAP Board of Trustees Want to get involved? ToAAP Finance Committee Meeting volunteer as a Lunch `n LearnCODA Perio Review Committeespeaker at a dental school near you, send your request to TameishaIn-Service Examination Committee Williams at tameisha@perio.org. Executive CommitteeAAP Periospectives| 32'