b'Symposium, Regeneration Symposium, Dental Hygiene Symposium, Robert J. Genco Perio Systemic Symposium, and more will be taking place.The Educator Symposium will feature a combined session in the morning and breakout sessions in the afternoon (predoctoral and postdoctoral). The combined workshop will discuss generational diversity and the characteristics of each of these generational cohorts, help identify how to effectively communicate through generational differences and enhance engagement in periodontal knowledge, as well as explore how to bridge the gap between the pre-doctoral and post-doctoral curriculum to expose and educate dental students on more realistic periodontics, not just limited to non-surgical treatment modalities. This ticketed session is exclusive to pre- and postdoctoral educators. The AAP thanks Philips Oral Health Care for sponsoring the Educator Symposium. comprehensive exploration of bone augmentation, covering its historical evolution, Taking place in the afternoon, thecurrent practices, and future trends. Renowned national and international predoctoral workshop will discussexperts will share their insights and expertise, providing attendees with a well-the goals, accomplishments,rounded understanding of this topic. Through a combination of presentations and and limitations of competency- discussions, participants will gain valuable knowledge that can enhance their based clinical competencies, helpclinical decision-making and patient outcomes. This is a ticketed course with attendees comprehend the conceptlimited seating.of entrustable professional activitiesThe Dental Hygiene Symposium is a ticketed course that is designed for and its applications in predoctoraldental hygientists and will provide an overview of several topics related to the education, and develop EPA- successful management of the periodontal patient. This includes peri-implantitis based assessments and a plan ofpathophysiology and treatment, revolutionary approaches to curating integrative implementation in predoctoral dentalmedical/dental partnerships, the role of soft tissue in long-term periodontal health education. Meanwhile, the postdoctoraland stability, and surgical treatments for soft tissue defects and deficiencies. afternoon workshop will lead to theThe 2017 Disease Classification will also be revisited along with a discussion of creation of a shared classic periodontalimplementation for optimal patient care. The Symposium will conclude with a panel literature resource for program directorsdiscussion featuring all speakers providing the audience with a unique opportunity to use in their programs and reviewfor Q&A. To find even more content for dental hygienists, visit the Member the library of periodontal literature andResource Center to hear about the AAPs upcoming Dental Hygiene Initiative. select the literature that is best suitedAs one of the first researchers to connect periodontal disease with other diseases for the consensus list. (such as heart disease and diabetes), the perio-systemic link was a principal focus Sponsored by the AAP, AAP Foundation,for Dr. Robert J. Genco, and the Robert J. Genco Symposium honors his memory and the Osteology Foundation. theby keeping the latest periodontal topics and research at the forefront. Regeneration Symposium offers a Continued on page 8AAP Periospectives| 7'