b'Our shared goal is to curate journals that uphold the highest standards of scientific integrity, contributing to the advancement of sound science and remaining a with Dr. Effie Ioannidou,Editor-in-Chief valuable resource for the AAP membership.are aligned with the AAPs mission toissues, ranging from the existence of predatory journals to the disseminate knowledge that enhances bothinvolvement of ghost authors and reviewers, the manipulation oral and systemic health for the broaderof images and figures, and the utilization of artificial intelligence public. tools for generating papers. Addressing these challenges requires a collective effort from all stakeholders involved in scientific Our strategic roadmap revolves aroundpublishing, including publishers, editors, authors, and the wider fostering a wealth of contemporaryscientific community. To effectively navigate these challenges, it is content, including cutting-edge themesimperative for all stakeholders to remain well prepared. Adherence like artificial intelligence, bioengineering,to established guidelines, such as those set forth by the International economics, and big data as they intersectCommittee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee with periodontology and implantology.on Publication Ethics (COPE), is fundamental. These guidelines Simultaneously, our commitment toprovide a framework for maintaining the integrity and ethics of the methodological rigor and scientificpublishing process.excellence is non-negotiable, ensuring the dissemination of high-quality evidence toWhat is the most rewarding part of being an AAP member? our community and the public. For me, its the prospect of engaging with fellow members in Recognizing that science is a publicmeaningful interactions and attending cutting-edge scientific and endeavor, we acknowledge the importanceclinical lectures, as well as the opportunity to read JOP and CAP in of communicating research findings intraditional paper form and contemporary online versions.accessible, layperson-friendly language. ToHow has your membership in the AAP influenced your career achieve this, we are revising our instructionsin periodontology?to authors to facilitate comprehensibility for a diverse readership.A significant turning point in my professional journey occurred when I was honored with the Bud and Linda Tarrson Fellowship Integral to our strategy is the composition offrom the AAP Foundation. Even after 15 years, I vividly recall the a diverse and robust editorial board, servinggratification I felt during the interview process. This singular moment as the bedrock of our peer review process.unquestionably marked a transformative milestone in my career This assembly ensures ethical integrity andwithin the field of periodontology.impartiality in our evaluation procedures, upholding the highest standards of scholarlyHow do you like to spend your time when youre not discourse. working?What do you see as the biggestThere is nothing that I like more in the world than a dinner party challenge(s) for JOP and CAPwith close friends, good food and wine, and intellectual and funny specifically and scientific publishing inconversations. Interestingly, a number of my closest friendships general? were forged during AAP Annual Meetings, underscoring yet another enriching aspect of being a member. The foremost challenges confronting both CAP and JOP, as well as the broaderI also love traveling and meeting new cultures and people. While scientific publishing community, lie in thetraveling internationally is obviously very interesting, I find that complex landscape of cyber phenomena.the United States is a huge country with multiple captivating These challenges include a spectrum ofdestinations. Austin is one of them. I am looking forward to visiting in November and learning more about its culinary scene. AAP Periospectives| 41'