b"B Y D R . D A V I D O K A N OtoPRESIDENT'S MESSAGEThis coming November will be a month filled withRecognition for the work we are doing and the bittersweet emotions for me. I am elated to be inprogress we have made and continue to make Austin with my friends, colleagues, and fellow AAPis warranted. I would like to take a moment to members at the AAP Annual Meeting. On the otherrecognize the educators in universities from all hand, I am also preparing for my presidential termaround the worldthe ones who taught us, and to come to an end. I wont forget the collaborativethe ones who are teaching the individuals who will community Ive witnessed first-hand within the AAPbe in our shoes one day. You can see the latest and our specialty. basic science and clinical science research carried out by these students at the Balint Orban Memorial Collaboration is key in fostering growth within ourCompetition, and the basic science and clinical organization as well as the periodontal specialty. Iscience research of students and researchers at the have used that mindset to guide me throughout myResearch Forum Poster Session.term, meeting with regional periodontal societies as well as national and international allied organizations.As I have stated before, the AAP would not be As a result, my year has been filled with growth,where it is today without collaboration. The AAP has knowledge, and ever-growing connections. I strive tocollaborated with the AAP Foundation, who will be continue along this path even when my presidentialhosting various events including PerioDash, AAP term comes to an end, and I know that I will beFoundation Hoedown, and their perennial favorite able to learn, share, and network with the best andSilent Auction. We would also like to thank our brightest at this years Annual Meeting.corporate partners who you can see more of at the Exhibit Hall and the Corporate Forum.The Annual Meeting is the largest conference in North America dedicated exclusively to the fieldI have been truly honored to serve as the president of periodontology and will be held Nov. 9-12 inof the AAP, and I want to convey my profound Austin. The past few years have been filled withappreciation for this incredible opportunity. Please uncertainty, but we are expecting a return to formenjoy this special Annual Meeting edition of following the COVID-19 pandemic. Now we can pickPeriospectives, and I look forward to seeing you in up where we left off four years ago, except biggerAustin this November!and better. Thousands of periodontal professionals, dental students, periodontal residents, insuranceSincerely,experts, and dental hygienists will all be broughtDr. David K. Okano together in one place to share the latest periodontalPresident, American Academy of Periodontologyresearch and advancements. The Annual Meeting is an opportunity to not only learn the most up-to-date information in the field, but its also a chance to reconnect with old friends, meet new friends, and pick up many new techniques.AAP Periospectives| 5"