b'2023 ANNUAL MEETINGAward winners Continued from page 21Periodontics). He also completed a U.S.Louisville, the late Dr. Greenwell earnedearning the AAP Distinguished Service Air Force General Practice Residencyhis BS degree there, earned his DMDAward in 2014. Additionally, he served a at the USAF Medical Center Scott Airdegree at the University of Louisvillesix-year term as Director of the American Force Base. School of Dentistry, and earned his JDBoard of Periodontology.degree from the University of Louisville Since his arrival at Indiana UniversityLouis D. Brandeis School of Law. He thenHonorary School of Dentistry in 2002, Dr.continued his education at Case WesternMembership: Blanchard advanced in academic rankReserve University, receiving his MSDDr. Maurizio Tonettifrom Assistant Professor to Professordegree in the postdoctoral program in quickly and successfully. He receivedperiodontics. He was also a veteran ofHonorary members full support from his department andthe U. S. Air Force. The program directorare chosen from his school. In addition to his effortof the post-doctoral Periodontics Programthose individuals who within IUSD, he fully supported theat the University of Louisville, he was ahave made outstanding AAP, ABP, and ADA through activededicated thirty-five-year faculty membercontributions to the art and science of participation. He served as both anof the University of Louisville School ofperiodontology. The Academy is pleased examiner and Director for the ABP,Dentistry Department of Periodontics.to bestow an honorary membership to Dr. as a consultant in periodontics to theFor over twenty years, his research intoMaurizio Tonetti.commission on dental accreditationsurgical practice has had a significant for the ADA, as well as a member ofimpact on periodontal treatment byDr. Tonetti is currently Chair Professor at editorial advisory boards for severaldeveloping new surgical procedures withthe Shanghai Jiao Tong University School AAP publications. He served on thehis students and training his studentsof Medicine, Director of the Shanghai Academys Editorial Advisory Boardin these techniques. He was an activePerio-Implant Innovation Center and of the for Clinical Advances in Periodonticsmember of the American Academy ofShanghai Oral Health Research Institute. He (CAP) since 2011. His outstandingPeriodontology, the American Board ofis also the honorary Director of the National efforts in education have resulted inPeriodontics, and the American DentalClinical Research Center of Oral Diseases, recognition by his university (multipleAssociation. and the Principal Scientist of the Medical Trustees Teaching Awards), by hisClinical Research Unit of the Ninth Peoples state dental association (OutstandingDr. Greenwell trained more than 100Hospital, the leading craniofacial teaching Faculty of the Year), and by severalstudents to become periodontists andhospital in Asia. awards and recognitions from the AAP,most of them are now Diplomates of thePreviously, Dr. Tonetti was tenured including the 2012 H. Dalton ConnorAmerican Board of Periodontology. HeProfessor and head of the Department Humanitarian Award. was a program director for over 25 years. of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry Dr. Blanchards service to theHe provided numerous continuingat the University of Hong Kong, at the Academy and the specialty includeseducation including AAP Annual MeetingsUniversity of Connecticut, and at University presenting and co-presenting at theas well as regional Periodontal societiesCollege London He also served as the AAP Annual Meetings for multiplemeetings. He served as CommissionerEditor-in-Chief of the Journal of Clinical sessions, workshops, and researchfor Periodontics on the CommissionPeriodontology.forums. His outstanding efforts haveon Dental Accreditation and servedDr. Tonetti is widely recognized for his been recognized within his communityas Chair on the Periodontal Reviewcontributions to improved periodontal through numerous awards forCommittee of the Commission on Dentaldiagnosis and risk assessment, control of volunteerism, community commitment,Accreditation. In his involvement with theperiodontitis, the practice of periodontal and leadership.Academy, Dr. Greenwell served as Chairregeneration, and design and execution of of the Research, Science and Therapylarge clinical trials in periodontology and The Academy remembers and honorsCommittee of the AAP (four-year term on Dr. Henry Greenwell, who passed awaythe committee, one-year as Chair) as wellimplant dentistry. He is the architect of in June. A graduate of the University ofas on more than 18 AAP committees,the new periodontitis classification, and AAP Periospectives| 22'