b'SCIENCE & INNOVATION Q&Awith Dr. Effie Ioannidou,Editor-in-ChiefDr. Effie Ioannidou assumed her role as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Periodontology (JOP) and Clinical Advances in Periodontics (CAP) on July 1, 2023. Read on to learn more about Dr. Ioannidou, her interests, and her vision for the journals. What interested you in entering theinsights. Additionally, I have gatherednew heights. From the outset, it has been field of periodontology?valuable knowledge from graduate studentsa privilege to work alongside Erin ODonnell During my dental school years, I foundand residents, further underscoring theDotzler, Julie Daw, Mary Rose Zoeckler, myself drawn to periodontology due tomultifaceted nature of mentorships impactand Katie Gossthey truly represent my its specialized emphasis on the interplayon professional development. dream team. I am also enthusiastic about between the soft and hard tissuesWhy did you apply for the Editor-in- joining forces with an exceptional group surrounding the tooth. Chief position?of Associate Editors, each bringing their unique insights and skills to the table. Drs. What are your research interests? My enthusiasm for scientific publishing,Patricia Diaz, Massimo Costalonga, George Over the past 15 years, my researchpeer review, and the widespread sharingKotsakis, Flavia Pirih, and Luciana Shaddox focus has revolved around investigatingof knowledge runs deep. I am aware offor JOP, and Dr. Diego Velsquez for CAP, the anti-inflammatory outcomes of non- the challenges that persist within theall share a common passion for research surgical periodontal therapy in systemicallycurrent scientific landscape, emphasizingand clinical practice. Their dedication, healthy individuals as well as medicallythe imperative for rigor and transparencyextensive experience, and commitment compromised patients, with a particularthroughout the publication processes.to advancing the field are inspiring. Our emphasis on patients with chronic kidneyWhen the announcement of the Editor- shared goal is to curate journals that uphold disease. However, my recent scholarlyin-Chief position was published, I sawthe highest standards of scientific integrity, curiosity has led me towards a morea unique opportunity for my energy andcontributing to the advancement of sound profound exploration of the influence of sexinnovative ideas to align with the corescience and remaining a valuable resource biology on periodontitis pathobiologyavalues of the AAP, while providing supportfor the AAP membership.question that, despite its significance, hasto both the Journal of PeriodontologyWhat are your goals for the journals remained relatively unexplored in the field. and Clinical Advances in Periodontics inand how might you innovate the their overarching mission. The more Ijournals to support all sectors of the Who are your mentors from earlier incontemplated this role and prepared myAAP membership?your career? application, the more my enthusiasm grew, I hold a firm conviction regarding thesolidifying my belief in the potential impact IOur objective is the transformation of pivotal role of mentoring at every stage ofcould bring to this position. the Journal of Periodontology into the ones career, but particularly during theWhat are you most looking forward topreeminent publication in periodontology early stages. Throughout my journey fromas Editor-in-Chief?and implantology. This entails a collection dental school onward, I have been fortunateof clinically pertinent scientific contributions to receive guidance and support from aI am looking forward to the collaborativespanning fundamental, translational, and diverse array of mentors. These mentorsjourney ahead. A key aspect that excites meclinical domains. Concurrently, we aspire to have ranged in seniority, including someis the opportunity to collaborate closely withposition Clinical Advances in Periodontics as further along in their professional journey,the dedicated leadership and publicationsthe premier platform catering to practicing as well as peers who have provided uniqueteam at the AAP, leveraging our collectivedentists with clinical reports, techniques, expertise to direct both CAP and JOP toapplications, and reviews. Both journals AAP Periospectives| 40'