b'the senior author of the EFP S3 Clinicalgeneral dentists and surgical specialists.research in periodontal regeneration. Practice Guidelines for the treatment ofSince 1982, Dr. Angelo has practicedIt is presented to the author(s) of the periodontitis. His scientific work has beenCosmetic Periodontics and Dentalpeer-reviewed published paper that cited50,000 times and his H-factorImplantology in River Forest Illinois.has contributed most to the knowledge is 110. He has been engaged worldwideof periodontal regeneration in a given in the planning and delivery of advancedDr. Angelo is the founder of The Angelocalendar year. The research work can be educational programs in the fields ofof Lower Wacker Drive Fund, a 501c3.either in the basic or clinical sciences.periodontology and implant dentistry,His organization mentors and educates including the establishment of the EFPthose at risk and feeds and supports theFor their article, Recombinant human accredited periodontology and implantunhoused and substance user citizensplatelet-derived growth factor improves dentistry specialty programs in Londonof Chicago. For 22 years, Dr. Angeloroot coverage of a collagen matrix for and Hong Kong. Many of his students holdpersonally purchased and distributedmultiple adjacent gingival recessions: key leadership positions around the world. food, water, hand warmers, socks,A triple-blinded, randomized, placebo-blankets, and more to these citizens untilcontrolled trial, the Academy recognizes H. Dalton Connerthe Chicago Tribune highlighted his effortsDrs. Lorenzo Tavelli, Jim Sugai, Shayan Humanitarian:in 2013. He has also been featured onBarootchi, Hsun-Liang Chan, Maria Vera Dr. Patrick Angelo the Steve Harvey Show, Chicago Today,Rodriguez, Oliver Kripfgans, Leonardo and WGN-TV. Dr. Angelo was chosen asMancini, Hom-Lay Wang, Jad Majzoub, The H. Dalton Connerthe 2019 recipient of Chicagos 20 MostWilliam V. Giannobile, and Suncica Humanitarian AwardInfluential People Award. He was alsoTravan.is presented to anhonored by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and theClinical Research: Academy memberChicago City Council.who has given selflesslySponsored by Quintessence Publishingthrough extraordinary actions that benefitDr. Angelos organization currently hands out over 500 meals per week. He alsoThe Clinical Research Award is presented a deserving population. The awardto the most outstanding scientific acknowledges the members selfless act.manages a team of over 60 volunteers. They typically serve 6 to 7 times a week.published article with direct clinical The 2023 recipient of this honor is Dr.relevance in periodontics. The paper Patrick Angelo. The team hands out essential items such as toiletries, hot food, tents, boots, andshould present new information which Dr. Angelo is a graduate of Loyolamany other much needed items. Theyvemay be readily used by practitioners in University in Chicago, where he earnedalso received training in CPR, wound care,the evaluation and/or management of his Bachelor of Science in 1974. Heand how to properly administer Naloxonepatients with periodontal diseases.earned his masters degree in Oral Biology(Narcan). For their article, Clinical, microbiological, in 1976 and his Doctor of Dental Surgeryand immunological effects of 3- or degree in 1980 from Loyola UniversityMoreover, Dr. Angelo continues to expand his operation to different areas in the7-day systemic antibiotics adjunctive to College of Dental Surgery.subgingival instrumentation in patients city and surrounding suburbs. He has Dr. Angelo then earned his surgicalpartnered with other 501c3 organizationswith aggressive (Stage III/IV Grade C) specialty degree in Periodontics in 1982.to help provide mobile showers, housingperiodontitis: A randomized placebo-While attending graduate school in thesupport, and substance abuse treatment.controlled clinical trial, the Academy specialty of Periodontics, Dr. Angelo wasHis goal is to help people suffer less. recognizes Drs. Raluca Cosgarea, Raluca an associate professor in the diagnosticBora, Soren Jepsen, Nicole B. Arweiler, and periodontal treatment clinic at LoyolaR. Earl Robinson Regeneration:Christian Heumann, Sigrun Eick, Ionela University College of Dental Surgery. HeSponsored by the American Academy ofBatori-Andronsecu, Anton Sculean, and has a national reputation as a pioneerPeriodontology Foundation Alexandra Rosu.in dental laser surgery, as well asThis award was established by Dr. R. periodontal and implant instruction to bothEarl Robinson (1922-1995) to encourage AAP Periospectives| 23'