b'classes and shadowing experiences, I knew I wantedhelpful to have another periodontist to bounce to be a periodontist and began actively pursuing moreideas off when faced with a new clinical opportunities prior to applying to residency.challenge or when treatment planning and sequencing a larger case. We love looking at Why did you pursue board certification? and sharing cases with one another.During residency interviews, most program directorsWhat makes your generation of mentioned board certification as an expectation for their graduates. Throughout residency, however,periodontists unique?it becomes more of an expectation for yourself thanIm not sure we are that different than the for someone else. We spend three years learning andgenerations of periodontists before us! Ive reviewing classic literature, reading new literature, andseen some say that we are more willing to preparing to become board-certified. It felt like the nexttry new things/techniques/procedures, but logical step after pursuing 7+ years of dental educationperiodontics as a profession wouldnt exist was to complete certification in our profession. Evenwithout the periodontists before us trying new more, I have a commitment to my patients to give themtechniques and procedures. my best each day. Preparing for board certification made me a better periodontist and becoming board- What motivates you in your career?certified assures my patients that they are getting my best.My patients motivate me. We are a very traditional periodontics practice and treat What is your view on professionalmany patients with periodontal disease. I love excellence and how to you plan to maintainbeing able to educate patients at their initial appointment and then see their progress this throughout your career? at re-evaluation after going through initial To me, professional excellence means providingphase therapy. Patients who are excited top-level and quality care, supporting our professionabout their progress make me excited about through active involvement in organized dentistry,the next steps of their treatment, whether it and pursuing lifelong learning. I intend to maintainbe beginning maintenance or initiating the professional excellence by being involved and hopesurgical phase of therapy. to hold leadership positions in various organizations, including my local dental society and the AAP. I plan toWhat do you think is different about continue to maintain my Board Certification and hopethe practice of periodontics today?to teach the periodontists of the future some day!The biggest change Ive noted has happened What are your professional goals for thejust since I finished residency! While we used some biologics in residency, the 2022 next five to ten years? Best Evidence Consensus on the use of My professional goals for the next 5-10 years includebiologics in clinical practice paved the way continuing to serve the patients of East Texas and tofor incorporating the use of biologics in our begin serving our profession through future leadershipdaily treatment of periodontal disease. I now roles in the East Texas Dental Society, the Southwestroutinely use rhPDGF-BB in practice and Society of Periodontists, and the AAP.expect that more research will continue to be published in the future about the benefits of What is most useful for you as you startbiologics when treating periodontal and peri-your practice? implant disease.The most beneficial thing to me in my first year has been having a partner in Dr. Temple. It is incredibly AAP Periospectives| 45'