b'Dr. Sejal Thacker; FCE6: Follow the Yellow BrickAt the Advances in Periodontics session on Friday, Road: Using the 2018 Classification for ClinicalNov. 10, I will share a novel method of exploring Decision Makingthe spatial biology of periodontal and peri-implant The AAPs 2018 LEAD Program was my firstmicrobial communities at single-cell resolution, a encounter with the AAP. I remember going to Chicagosignificant progress in our understanding of spatial for the LEAD feeling little, but I left with hope,ecology of periodontal and peri-implant diseases. inspiration, ideas, and words from the wise. There,Our group from Harvard and Cornell developed a I found mentors who took me under their wings andversatile technology to create micrometre-scale guided me in my professional path. I still remembermaps of the locations and identities of hundreds how during COVID times, when the world was literallyof microbial taxa in complex oral microbial falling apart, key opinion leaders within the Academycommunities.selflessly came up with innovative ways to supportDr. Hom-Lay Wang; NCE1: Advancement in their members and provide resources to get everyoneSinus Augmentation & the Corporate Forumback and running. Thats what families do for each other.To me, the AAP is not just an organization- it is a vital platform that serves as a cornerstone for In Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Using the 2018periodontists worldwide. In my perspective, the Classification for Clinical Decision Making, I will beAAP embodies four fundamental pillars: Learning, sharing the stage with key opinion leaders - Drs.Networking, Advancement, and Knowledge Kumar and Papapanou. I represent you in this courseSharing. The AAP is not just an organization; it is the practicing periodontist. Just like you, I wenta dynamic force that has shaped my career and through the phases of indifference and ignorance forcontinues to be a driving force in advancing the the new classification followed by hesitation finallyfield of periodontology. leading to reluctant acceptance. But here I am todayI am thrilled to be presenting three engaging having fully accepted it, certainly being mindful oflectures for our esteemed colleagues. Firstly, the gray zones, but using it to my advantage to makeIll be delving into Advancements in Sinus clinical decisions and to educate referring doctorsAugmentation, where I will explore the latest around me. breakthroughs in sinus augmentation techniques. Dr. David Wu; IP1: Advances in PeriodonticsFrom cutting-edge surgical devices to minimally & AAPF1: AAP Foundation Future Horizons ininvasive instruments, I will share insights into Periodontology: Recent Advances in Bone Tissuehow these innovations are simplifying complex Engineering procedures. Additionally, Ill be participating in the corporate forum with two captivating Throughout dental school and residency, AAP haspresentations. The first of these is Tissue vs. been instrumental in providing valuable educationalBone Level Implants: Which One to Choose and resources, useful information about careerWhy? Here, Ill discuss the strategic placement opportunities, and unique networking platforms.of tissue and bone level implants, focusing on Particularly, for residents and trainees, AAP providesachieving optimal Supracrestal Tissue Adhesion an excellent scientific forum to learn about other(STAd)a critical factor for long-term implant colleagues innovative research projects. I have beenstability. Lastly, Im excited about my lecture on fortunate to present at the AAP Research Forum andUsing Er:YAG Laser for Peri-Implantitis Surface win the Balint Orban Memorial Competition during myDisinfection: Rationale and Outcomes. Ill shed periodontal training. Finally, I am grateful to both thelight on the unique attributes of Er:YAG lasers and AAP and the AAP Foundation for providing financialtheir role in facilitating predictable regeneration in support in the form of awards and scholarships to helpperi-implantitis defects. launch my career as a clinician-scientist-educator.AAP Periospectives| 25'