b'SCIENCE & INNOVATIONMeet the New Editors of JOP and CAP Meet our new editorial team of Journal of Periodontology (JOP) Associate Editors and Clinical Advances in Periodontics (CAP) Co-Editors appointed by Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Effie Ioannidou.Massimo Costalonga, PhD, DMD, Cert. PerioGeorgios A. Kotsakis, DDS, MS JOP Associate EditorJOP Associate Editor Dr. Massimo Costalonga is a tenured ProfessorDr. George Kotsakis is a in Periodontology and Oral Biology at theBoard-certified periodontist and University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. clinician-scientist. He serves His research interest in the basic sciences isas Professor of Oral Biology centered around mucosal immunology and the& Assistant Dean for Clinical pathophysiology of periodontitis. Dr. CostalongaResearch at Rutgers School of Dental is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study theMedicine. He is also the Director of Research at the contribution of mucosal intraepithelial Langerhans cells to theRutgers School of Dental Medicine, and his NIH-funded development of the T cell-mediated adaptive immune response aftertranslational research program primarily focuses on the oral colonization with Porphyromonas gingivalis in a murine modelbiological mechanisms underlying peri-implant bone of ligature-induced periodontitis.He has served on the Oral, Dentalloss and on the development of novel treatments for and Craniofacial Sciences Study Section at the NIH as an ad-hocperiodontal and peri-implant diseases. Dr. Kotsakis has member for mucosal immunology. Dr. Costalonga is a Diplomate ofpublished over 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles and the American Board of Periodontology, and his research interest intextbook chapters, with more than 20,000 citations the clinical sciences focuses on the metabolomics of periodontitis andof his work. He has been the recipient of multiple peri-implantitis.career and research awards from the AAP, the AAP I am looking forward to learning about the cutting-edge research thatFoundation, and the International Association for Dental is submitted for publication to JOP. I think one of our challenges willResearch.be to identify the best possible reviewers for manuscripts describingThe Journal of Periodontology has historically been a novel approaches to the periodontology field.I will collect reviewertop destination for high-impact research in the field comments and make decisions in a timely fashion, always preservingof periodontics and implant dentistry that has helped the confidentiality of the review process.shape the field. I am excited to join the editorial team and help highlight rigorous and innovative clinical and Patricia I. Diaz, DDS, MSc, PhDtranslational research with a potential to translate to JOP Associate Editorimprovements in oral health.Dr. Patricia Diaz is Empire Innovation ProfessorLuciana Macchion Shaddox, of Oral Biology in the School of Dental Medicine and Director of the UB Microbiome Center atDDS, MS, PhD the University at Buffalo. She received her dentalJOP Associate Editordegree at CES University in Colombia and her PhD inDr. Luciana Shaddox joined microbiology at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Shethe University of Kentucky then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in oral microbiology at the(UK) Division of Periodontology NIDCR/NIH and went on to earn her certificate in periodontology andas a professor with tenure in July masters degree in oral science at the University of North Carolina2018 and became the Associate Dean at Chapel Hill. Dr. Diaz is Board-certified by the American Board ofof Research for the College of Dentistry in July 2019. Periodontology and has received numerous awards including theShe obtained her DDS and MS at the University of Educator Scholarship and Tarrson Fellowship from the AmericanCampinas, Brazil, and her PhD in periodontology and Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Foundation. Dr. Diazs researchoral microbiology at a combined program with the focuses on the role of the microbiome in oral disease. University of Campinas and the University of Florida I am looking forward to helping improve the impact of JOP.AAP Periospectives| 42'