b'of the American Academy of Estheticselected for distinguished service to theperiodontal topics. She has contributed Dentistry. He is internationally renownedAcademy in more than one area overto over 60+ journals and texts and as a leader in his field, has serveda period of not less than twenty years.is considered an expert on systemic-on numerous major professionalThe Academy is pleased to honor thisperiodontal links.committees, and regularly conductsaward to Dr. Joan Otomo-Corgel.peer-education lectures and trainingDr. Otomo-Corgel was the Governors sessions and serves as Assistant ClinicalDr. Otomo-Corgel is a graduate ofappointee as a trustee for CSU System Professor of Oral Medicine, Infection andCalifornia State University, Fresnoand the School-to-Career Advisory Immunity at Harvard School of Dental(BA-Zoology), UCLA School of DentistryCouncil. She is currently a Trustee of Medicine. (DDS), UCLA School of Public HealthMount St. Marys University andon the (MPH Behavioral Sciences and HealthBoard of Governors for the Fresno State Dr. Nevins served as Editor-in-Chief ofEducation), West Los Angeles VAMCUniversity Foundation and a Director for the International Journal of PeriodonticsGeneral Practice and Postdoctoralthe Advisory Council for the School of & Restorative Dentistry from2011- Periodontics Residencies. She isMath and Science.2022. In addition to his educationcurrently a Clinical Full Professor, UCLA and service, Dr. Nevins is a two-timeSchool of Dentistry, Department ofShe and her husband, Rich Corgel winner of the American Academy ofPeriodontics, faculty at the Greater Loshave two children (John Bucky and Periodontologys R. Earl RobinsonAngeles VA Health Care Center DentalStefanie), daughter-in-law Jennifer, and Periodontal Regeneration Award andService, and Chair of Postdoc Research.two granddaughters.is a 2017 recipient of the ClinicalDr. Otomo-Corgel has been inductedOutstanding Research Award for the publication ofinto the Fellowship of the AmericanPeriodontal A randomized, controlled, multicenterCollege of Dentists, as well as theEducator: clinical trial of post-extraction alveolarFellowship of the International CollegeDr. Steven Blanchard ridge preservation. of Dentists. She has been in privateDr. Henry Greenwellpractice limited to periodontics and The contributions Dr. Nevins has madeimplantology in Los Angeles for over 4Sponsored by the to the Academy and the specialty aredecades.American Academy nothing short of extraordinary.Dr.of Periodontology Nevins was also a part of the AAPDr. Otomo-Corgel is the pastFoundationCommittee on the New Practitionerpresident of the American Academy from 1998-2001, Continuing Educationof Periodontology, California SocietyThe Award for Oversight Committee from 1999-2000of Periodontists, Western SocietyOutstanding and 2002-2004, Task Force on Distantof Periodontology, National VAPeriodontal Educator Learning from 1999-2002, CommitteePeriodontists, the Los Angeles Dentalrecognizes an exemplary on Clinical Practice from 2000-2001,Society, and the UCLA Chapter of OKU.periodontal faculty member whose and Subcommittee on ResearchShe is currently the Chair of UCLAcareer demonstrates excellence in Submissions from 2004-2005.School of Dentistry Board of Counselors,teaching and is an inspiration to Additionally, he was a part of AAPFsserves on the ADA Council on Dentalstudents. This year, the Academys Tarrson Regeneration ScholarshipEducation and Licensure (chair ofOutstanding Periodontal Educators are Selection Committee from 2005-2006Specialty Recognition and previous chairDr. Steven Blanchard and Dr. Henry and Foundation District Ambassadorof Dental Anesthesiology), the AAPGreenwell.from 2007-2010, and Nevins FellowshipCEOC, President of the Board of the Committee member since 2009.American Academy of PeriodontologyDr. Steven Blanchard is a graduate Foundation, and on the CDA Board ofof Marquette University (Pre-dental), Distinguished Service:Directors. She is a conscious sedationUniversity of Michigan School of Dr. Joan Otomo-Corgelexaminer for CALAOMS and is certifiedDentistry (DDS), Wilford Hall USAF in Advanced Cardiac Life Support. SheMedical Center (Certificate in The Distinguishedlectures extensively on periodontalPeriodontics), and University of Texas Service Award ismedicine, medical emergencies, over- Health Science Center Graduate presented to anthe-counter dental products, and clinicalSchool in Biomedical Sciences (MS in Academy memberContinued on page 22AAP Periospectives| 21'