b'about your occupation, employer, and health. professionals each year. The average time that passes from the Once this is complete you will electronically signday your application is submitted to when you pay for your policy the application. is consistently under 60 days. Often coverage can be approved within a week.The process has never been easier or more 2. Personal health history. Next, you willconvenient to apply for coverage.complete a personal health history either online or via a phone interview with a representativeLastly, discounted insurance for students and residents: You from the insurance company. This may takemay have heard that discounts are often higher while you 15-20 minutes and can be scheduled at yourare considered a student or a resident and that many of the convenience. discounts are changing. Due to potential changes in your health, which could affect your ability to obtain coverage and industry 3. Do you need lab work? At one point in timechanges affecting the level of discounts offered, we suggest you a blood draw and urinalysis were needed forreview your options as soon as possible. You can schedule a most disability insurance applications. Todaytime with a Treloar & Heisel advisor by selecting the link below: that is not the case. If you are under 50 yearshttps://www.treloaronline.com/find-an-advisorold and applying for under $10,000/month of coverage, labs are typically only requested forInquire about Disability Income coverage today!specific reasons. The most common causes are if you are using prescription medication or haveAbout Treloar & Heisel not had a medical exam in over two years. ForTreloar & Heisel, an EPIC Company, offers dental and medical these reasons it is not typical that a student orprofessionals a comprehensive suite of financial products and resident would need to complete a lab test toservices ranging from business and personal insurance to wealth get approved for coverage. If you need lab work,management. We are proud to assist thousands of clients from a paramedical service will schedule a time toresidency to practice and through retirement. Our experienced come to your home or office to complete theteams deliver custom-tailored advice through an active local labs at your convenience. presence, while our strong national network ensures that clients 4. Reviewing your medical records. Lastly, inexperience the same high level of service throughout the country. some rare instances the insurance companyFor more information visit us at www.treloaronline.commay want to review your medical records to clarify your health history and treatment. Insurance companies are now using electronic medical record systems. This has reduced the turnaround time for obtaining doctors records. Once you electronically approve the carrier to obtain your records (via email), often they can receive the records in as little as 24 hours.5. Coverage approval. The insurance company notifies your advisor when coverage is approved. This is the time to review the approval with your advisor and determine how you want the policy to be issued. Often, coverage is placed in force just like when you originally applied. However, if you determine you would like to change the amount of coverage, change the features, or even close your application and not purchase coverage, this can easily be done at this time.At Treloar & Heisel we process thousands of disability applications for dental and medical AAP Periospectives| 35'