b'DIPLOMATES CELEBRATING 25TH ANNIVERSARY The following Periodontists achieved 25 years of Active Diplomate status in 2023: Mitra Astar Andrew Duckett Salah Huwais Laura Minsk Arlynn RaezSean Avera Tony Dung Charlene Krejci Marc Nevins Zoltan RajnayClark Barco Milton Geivelis Prabha Krishnan Veronica Ng David ReevesJ. Beckstead Nicolaas Geurs Nina Lehrhaupt Steven Nytko James SlagleCarrie Berkovich William Giannobile Elizabeth Linder Thomas Oates Alice TaiJohn Buyer, Jr. Daniel Greising Teri Lovelace Daniel ODell Daniel ThomasJoseph Califano Janet Guthmiller Scott Manhart Richard Oliver, Jr. Robert WalshMassimo Costalonga James Hoag Dwight McLeod Marianne Ong Karen YeeStephen Cottrell Giles Horrocks Philip Melnick Nancy Perez-Medina Edward ZupnikSusan Cutler John Hudon Lawrence Miller Charles PowellPILOT STUDY UNDERWAY NEW DIPLOMATE BROCHURES AVAILABLEA small, randomized group of Diplomates hasThe ABP is pleased to offer a newly redesigned Diplomate tri-fold been testing the new ABPerio Minute lifelongbrochure for purchase. The brochure is ideal for display in your reception learning platform, beginning in late July 2023. Thearea and provides your patients with useful information about the platform, which is available through a website orvalue of seeing a board-certified periodontist. Brochures are available a mobile app, presents multiple choice questionsin a standard format, or, for a small additional, one-time fee, may be on relevant periodontology-related topics. Userscustomized with your information. For the customized version, you may can track their performance and see how itadd your office contact information on the back of the brochure. You compares to peer performance. Each questionmay also replace the cover photo with your own high-resolution head provides a rationale, key points, and references.shot photo, or you may opt to add both customization options. For more The platform takes advantage of methods such asinformation, please contact the ABP Office 312-682-0919 or staff@spaced study, frequent assessment that requiresabperio.org or stop by the ABP Booth at the Annual Meeting.information retrieval, and immediate feedback, all of which have been proven effective for adult2023 MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATION EXAMINATIONlearning in evidence-based reviews. The platformThe 2023 Maintenance of Certification Examination (previously known as also provides the opportunity to disseminate newthe Self-Study Recertification Program) is available to Diplomates who are game-changing knowledge as it emerges. Stoprequired to recertify in 2023. Diplomates may register for the examination by the ABP booth at the Annual Meeting tovia the Diplomate portal on the Boards website, www.abperio.orgsee a demo of ABPerio Minute!2022-2023 Board of Directors UPDATE YOUR PROFILE AND IMPROVE YOUR VISIBILITYRobert A. Faiella, DMD, MMSc, MBA; President Did you know that Find a Board Certified Periodontist is the most visited Angela Palaiologou-Gallis, DDS, MS; Vice President page on the ABPs website? Make sure you are visible by adding a profile Craig Yonemura, DDS, MS; Secretary/Treasurer photo and website address. Do you have multiple offices? We can help you Charles A. Powell, DDS, MS; Immediate Past President with those listings. Contact the ABP Office if you have any questions or Joe Krayer, DDS, MS need assistance updating your profile.Rodrigo E.F. Neiva, DDS, MSPaul Luepke, DDS, MS IMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINESLeena Bahl Palomo, DDS, MSDRichard T. Kao, DDS, PhDOctober 31, 2023: 2024 Oral Examination Registration DeadlineBryan J. Frantz, DMD, MSNovember 20, 2023: 2024 Qualifying Examination Registration DeadlineAngelo Mariotti, DDS, PhD January 2226, 2024: 2024 Qualifying ExaminationExecutive StaffApril 29May 3, 2024: 2024 Oral ExaminationJeffrey A. Rossmann, DDS, MS; Director, Examinations Eileen G. Loranger, Executive Director Katy Englehart, Associate Executive Director Barbara Robinette, Credentialing Program Manager312-682-0919www.abperio.orgAAP Periospectives| 47'