b'2023 ANNUAL MEETINGAnnual Meetingtreatment stability/success. I have to say that I am most excited to share a broad view of different treatment perspectives speaker spotlight with AAP members. Dr. William Giannobile; GS1: Opening General Session: Projecting the Future Dr. Leandro Chambrone; GS5: Translating Evidence intoof PeriodonticsSuccess: What Factors are Associated with SuccessfulThe AAP has greatly supported my entire Root Coverage Procedures career from the beginning as an AAP Since 2006, I have had the opportunity to publish my moststudent member to a full member after important research papers in the JOP, as well as having theover 25 years. In particular, the AAP honor of being selected to co-author some of its Best EvidenceFoundation was fundamental in supporting Consensus systematic reviews (on Lasers, CBCT, and Biologics).my academic career, initially through the I am grateful to the AAP (and its leaders) who believed in theBud and Linda Tarrson Fellowship and then potential of my work a decade ago during the AAP Regenerationthrough other educational and research Workshop (my special thanks to Dr. Michael K. McGuire foropportunities between the AAP and AAPF.the opportunity you gave me). I also thank the AAP for the opportunity to allow me to co-author, together with Dr. DimitrisThe Opening General Session will be a Tatakis, the milestone systematic review/guidelines Periodontalcelebration of Ken Kornmans legacy as soft tissue root coverage procedures: a systematic review fromthe past Editor-in-Chief of the Journal the AAP Regeneration Workshop, the most impactful article inof Periodontology.Ken has been a dear my academic career. mentor and inspirational leader for all of us I will review the main clinical scenarios and current literaturein periodontology. I am happy to be a part evidence on the treatment of gingival recessions defects (thatof this celebratory session that will look is, to talk about those factors influencing the decision-makingat Projecting the Future of Periodontics. I process/treatment plan and the best available therapeuticwill be highlighting advancements made options), with a special emphasis on the importance of softin the field of precision medicine, tissue tissue phenotype modification and its impact on long-termengineering, and emerging impacts in artificial intelligence in periodontology.AAP Periospectives| 24'