b'Speaker Studio, attendees were treated to some one-on-one Q&A with several of the meetings presenters. Many of the AAPs student, resident, and new periodontist members were visiting their very first AAP Annual Meeting. They were treated to a special educational session followed by an evening reception sponsored by Treloar and Heisel at the Clevelander, an outdoor restaurant and bar with a nightclub atmosphere located in the heart of Miami Beach. Attendees also celebrated reconnecting in person during the networking reception held Friday evening in the exhibit hall. The CEOC worked with international speakers to record their sessions in advance so that attendees could still benefit from their insight and perspectives. This was also the case with our valued partners from SEPA as they prerecorded their lectures for the session Reconstruction of Soft Tissue Defects Around Anterior Implants. Partners from the European Federation of Periodontology were unable to attend, but their presence was still felt at the AAP Member Resource Center with a stunning video and literature promoting the upcoming EuroPerio meeting taking place June 15-18, 2022, in Copenhagen.Throughout the meeting, attendees enjoyed bidding on goods and services donated by more than 40 companies at the Silent Auction. Proceeds from this event will be used to advance the AAP Foundations mission of supporting periodontal education, research, and excellence.Finally, during the General Assembly, Dr. Christopher Richardson (see feature on page 12) was installed as the new AAP President. Be sure to join the AAP in 2022 as the 108 thAnnual Meeting takes place in Phoenix, Oct. 27-30. Hundreds of attendees began registering for the 2022 meeting while in Miami Beach. Learn more and register at am2022.perio.org AAP Periospectives| 9'