b'A YEAR IN REVIEWProgress inThe AAP thanks the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) for collaborating on the presentation and thanks Philips for being the Canadian sponsor of Challenging Times:this second webinar.Part 32021 Year in Review Dental Hygiene in a Post COVID World Presenter: Marcelo Araujo, DDS, MS, PhD Moderator: Bryan Frantz, DMDThe second year of an ongoing pandemic presented numerousHygiene Engagement Initiative challenges, but the AAP proudly rose to the occasion by implementingSpearheaded by the Task Force on Dental Hygiene several new initiatives to ensure the organizations viability for years toEngagement, the Academy is working on a multi-come. Following are just a few of the many highlights of 2021. faceted initiative which will put the individual periodontist in a position of mentorship for their New core value dental hygiene colleagues. The goal of the Hygiene The AAPs Board of Trustees demonstrated its commitment toEngagement Initiative is to further enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion among members and other stakeholderscollaborative relationships between periodontists and by approving the adoption of a new core value at its August meeting.dental hygienists and enrich the co-management of This new value states, The AAP embraces its diverse community ofperiodontal patients through study club resources as members and fosters a culture of inclusion, respect, and dignity.well as a hygienist recognition program. Look for this program to roll out in 2022.Additionally, the Board expressed support for ADA leaderships efforts to align the ADAs advocacy activities with its core values of diversity,ADA endorses AAPs updated classificationequity, and inclusion. The ADA defines diversity through manyDuring the 20-year period following the last periodontal dimensions, including, but not limited to race, ethnicity, national origin,disease classification workshop in 1997, shortcomings gender identity, age, physical abilities/qualities, sexual orientation,of the old system became increasingly apparent. religious and ideological beliefs, professional practice choices andMoreover, no formal system for diagnosing health or personal lifestyle preference. pathology around dental implants existed. Virtual Dental Hygiene Symposium In 2017, the American Academy of Periodontology In a series of efforts aimed to enhance collaborative relationships(AAP) developed a new periodontitis classification, between periodontists and dental hygienists, the AAP hosted a three- inspired by a similar scheme that has been successfully part Virtual Dental Hygiene Symposium in June.used in oncology. The updated classification emphasizes the nature of periodontitis as a chronic All courses were made possible through support from Procterpathologic condition with a multi-factorial etiology and Gamble and are currently available for purchase in the AAPsand systemic effects beyond the oral cavity, captures e-Learning Center. They include: additional biological dimensions of the disease and its Part 1 management, while aligning better with the principles of personalized medicine and risk factor control. A New Look at Scaling and Root Planing: Important Considerationsfor the Dental HygienistIn 2020, the AAP approached the American Dental Presenter: John Sottosanti, DDSAssociations (ADAs) Council on Scientific Affairs to Moderator: Christopher Richardson, DMD, MS consider endorsing the updated disease classification. The endorsement application required substantial Part 2 documentation on how the classification was developed Setting the Stage (and Grade): Clinical Applications and Case Studiesas well as evidence supporting its utility in dentistry. In Utilizing the 2017 AAP/EFP World Workshop on Disease Classification The official endorsement was received in February 2021.Presenter: Mia Geisinger, DDSIn endorsing the AAPs updated classification, the Moderator: Brad Crump, DDS, MS ADA is publicly acknowledging their support and AAP Periospectives| 6'