b'A YEAR IN REVIEWThe in-person meeting also saw the return of the prestigious 2021 AnnualBalint Orban competition. This years Basic Science winner was Dr. Riccardo Di Gianfilippo and the Clinical Science winner was Dr. Shayan Barootchi. Later in the afternoon Meeting Recap several of the Academys corporate partners presented on the latest innovations and technologies in periodontics during the Corporate Forum.AAP members had to wait two years to convene inThat evening AAP and AAP Foundation award recipients from person again, but with a location like Miami Beach,both 2020 and 2021 were recognized for their achievements the Annual Meeting returned without missing a beat.during the AAP Award Ceremony. For a full list of honorees In fact, aside from masks and an extra helping of handplease visit www.perio.org/for-members/aap-sanitizer, the Annual Meeting was as familiar and funorganizational-information/academy-awards/as ever.On Friday, things officially kicked off with the Opening General There was an entire slate of education on Thursday,session and an address from AAP President Dr. James G. all taking place before the meeting officially kickedWilson. This session was special in many ways. Not only did it off with the Opening General Session. The AAP wascontain a heartfelt farewell from Dr. Wilson as he completed proud to collaborate with the AAP Foundation andhis term, but it was also the first time in many years that a the Osteology Foundation to present a scientificgeneral session was livestreamed. The decision to do so was symposium titled Managing Complications Related tomade by the Board shortly before the meeting. As numerous Regenerative Therapy Around Teeth and Implants.travel restrictions were still in place due to COVID, the Board wanted to ensure that the AAPs international members and partners who were unable to travel could still be a part of the event. These recordings will be available for purchase in the AAPs e-Learning Center in early 2022.On Friday, attendees also saw the return of another important in-person feature of the meeting: the exhibit hall. Hundreds of exhibitors were on-hand demonstrating new products, distributing giveaways, and making important connections with members after a two-year absence. The exhibit hall was also home to the Research Forum Poster Session where members shared their basic and clinical research. At the AAP Periospectives| 8'