b'YOUR MEMBERSHIPNew periodontistcornerGet to know AAP member KatieOutside of work, what is the one thing you do every day Martin, DMD, of West Valleythat brings you joy? Periodontics in Avondale, Ariz. Im quite the plant hobbyist. Between the watering and fertilization schedules, to using a light meter to find the best How do you start your morning?spot in the house for each plant, I keep busy. I find plant A cup of coffee and a workout.propagation fascinating: how a new plant can grow from a single leaf or cutting. A plant is the gift that keeps on giving! How do you schedule your day? I like to start work early and work through lunch. OurAny advice you would give to a recent periodontal office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. so we stillgraduate?have some time in the afternoon for fun! Dont be afraid to reach out to your colleagues. It can feel like youre alone on an island once you are out in practice. What is the most challenging part of your day?There is no harm in reaching out to talk about cases, practice Staying on top of correspondence. Between notes,management, staff issues, etc. Its amazing how those emails, phone calls, and referral letters, it can be a lotconversations and connections can allow for sharing ideas and of time on the computer when Id rather be chairsideencourage collaboration.or outside. What is the most rewarding part of your day?I love the jovial environment of our practice and the interactions and fun we have with patients. Its great to see the relationships we are able to build with our patients over time.Dont be afraid to reach Is there a piece of advice you received that you try to implement daily?out to your colleagues. It Cultivate and practice gratitude. Taking a few moments every day to find things I am thankful for helps keepcan feel like youre alone me focused on the positive and stay motivated. on an island once you are What do you like to do after work?out in practice.Anything involving food! I love to cook and bake, and of course eat! To balance out the calories, youll often find me out on a hike.AAP Periospectives| 30'