b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKI noticed that there is no dues increase for 2022. Thats great news! It made me wonder though: how are dues increases determined?Active Member, PhoenixIn any member organization dues are a vital revenue stream. However, each year during the budgeting process, your leaders make every effort to keep dues at a consistent rate. The AAP policy manual states that a guideline for dues increases may be the Consumer Price Index, subject to adjustment for extraordinaryThe Board felt that the AAP community had items. demonstrated their loyalty and commitment to our The budgeting process is overseen byorganization during the pandemic throughout 2020 the Finance Committee who presents theand 2021, and this was a tangible way to say annual budget, including any dues increasethank you to our colleagues and members!proposals, to the Board of Trustees. The BoardThank you for such a great question makes a final determination on whether toand, as always, thank you for enact a dues increase.your membership!A dues increase was actually recommended by the Finance Committee for 2022, but dueMia L. Geisinger, DDS, MS to the struggles members are still facing asSecretary/Treasurer a result of the ongoing pandemic, the BoardBoard of Trusteesvoted unanimously to not increase dues for the 2022 calendar year. Call for Officer, District and ABP Director CandidatesMembers interested in elected district office should contact their current District Trustees for Trustee positions and for positions on the Officer Nominating Committee and the Nominating Committee for the American Board of Periodontology. Please visit perio.org for more information.AAP Periospectives| 17'