b'joined the Board of Trustees in 2014, he said. From my first day on the Board, Ive had the great fortune to learn and closely observe what arenoweightphenomenalpastpresidents as well as an amazing group of trustees and volunteer members.As Dr. Richardson looks ahead, his focus is not just on his one-year presidential term, but on the next several years. Over time, the leadership of the Academy has shifted from a single year presidential focus to a team approach of officers with a long-term perspective that is critical to the success of our Academy and its members,Dr. Richardson is particularly excited about the predoctoral education research. He he said. The reason is simple. Most initiativespointed out that the report will be shared with all stakeholderspredoctoral and graduate that can have a truly profound impact on oureducators, AAP member private practitioners, and corporate partners to help them all profession are going to take multiple years tobetter understand where periodontal education really is today. develop, revise and implement before you canAs can be seen in his decision to pursue a career in periodontics rather than general get them to the finish line.surgery,Dr.Richardsonplaceshishighestpriorityonhisfamily.HeandAngela Having said that, Dr. Richardson is pleased towill celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary in the summer of 2022. The couple is report that several long-term initiatives will beunderstandably proud of their two children: 23-year-old son Cole, who is completing achieving important milestones in 2022: a degree in Marketing and Advertising, and 20-year-old Anna Reese, also a Marketing major, who aspires to open a bakery following college. The hygiene engagement initiative will result in the creation of content that can be usedGiven that another former resident of Tupelo, Mississippi was famously known as The byAcademymemberstoestablishhygieneKing, perhaps it was inevitable that a former lawn mower at Tupelos only hospital would studyclubsdesignedtohelphygienistsone day ascend to the presidency of the AAP. Of course, as anyone who knows him betterunderstandperiodonticsandwhatwell will tell you, Dr. Chris Richardson is far too grounded to think of himself in royal periodontistscandofortheirpatients.Anterms. Nonetheless, whenever the day comes that he decides it is time to step away from important by-product of this program, whichserving his beloved Academy, the resulting void will make it abundantly clear to all that will be rolling out in the first half of 2022, ishe has left the building. expected to be an increase in referrals coming from participating hygienists. Another initiative is the latest Best Evidence Consensus (BEC) conference to aid in guiding decisionmakingregardingtheutilizationof BiologicMediators.Aconsensuspaperis anticipated to be published in late 2022. Anotherinitiativehasinvolvedthecreation of a task force to investigate the status of predoctoralperiodontaleducation.Overthe past18-to-24months,thetaskforcehas lookedatsurveydatafromdepartmental chairsandfacultymembersatvirtually everydentalschoolinthecountry.Survey information is currently being distilled by the market research firm KJT.AAP Periospectives| 13'