b'agreeing with the concept of staging and grading. ADAperiodontist who then answers the questions submitted during a live, endorsement could lead to additional integration intointeractive discussion. different areas of dentistry including education, testing, dental informatics, insurance, practice software, etc. ADAThe next AAP Hour is set to be held in February 2022, and will be endorsement also gives the classification more validitypresented by master periodontist Gustavo Avila-Ortiz, DDS, MS, PhD.and authority since it has been reviewed and accepted byInvestment in infrastructurethe wider dental community.The AAP continues to invest in the technology used by members AAP Hour and the general public. Most recently the AAP completed a revamp In 2021, the Academy hosted two successful AAP Hours.of perio.org. This updated tool provides members with refreshed The first was held on May 21 and was attended by overcontent, improved search functionality, and a design thats optimized 100 participants. The second was held on October 8for mobile browsing. with more than 100 participants, and was made possibleWith the launch of a new website, the Academys Find an AAP through support from Colgate. The Academy looksMember Periodontist function has been upgraded as well. This forward to bringing more content to educators.platform helps patients across the globe find an AAP member AAP Hours are interactive sessions that provide residentsperiodontist close to home.the opportunity to learn from and interact with a masterModifications were made to the backend of the website to improve periodontist. The first master periodontist, Dr. Rodrigothe speed at which the site functions. The site has also been Neiva, discussed Biomaterial Selection for Guided Boneupgraded to improve search results, which is important as there Regeneration. During the second AAP Hour, masterare many resources available to the public to educate them about periodontist Dr. George Kotsakis presented Evidence- periodontal disease and the work of the AAP. This improved based Peri-implantitis Management and the Harmfunctionality will make it easier than ever for patients to find these Associated with Empirical Dental Treatments. resources. Each AAP Hour takes place in two steps. First, residentsAdditionally, the Academy invested in updating the member database are asked to review the lecture prior to the live sessionused to manage member information, dues payments, and reporting.and submit any questions to the presenter. Presentations are available at no charge in the AAPs e-Learning Center.Stay tuned to Periospectives and perio.org for many new initiatives Next, attendees attend a live session with the masterplanned for 2022! AAP Periospectives| 7'