b'FOR YOUR PRACTICEPatrick Cortazzo Jr. CSLP, ChFC7 tips as you re-start Associate Wealth Advisor Phone: (800)300-2451 pcortazzo@treloaronline.com student loan payments Visit us online at treloaronline.comIf youve taken out loans to pay for dental school, you likely experienced a brief pause in your payments during the pandemic. But everything must come to an end, and this momentary relief will, too. Here are some tips to ease your transition.#1 Remember what kind of repayment plan you committed to. If the administrative forbearance for your loan ends at the close of September 2021, you can anticipate your loan payments to resume in October 2021. It The more you knowmay be a while since you paid attention to your school loans. Now would be a good time to check with your provider to find out exactly when you need to about how your loanstart paying, and how much. Remember a standard repayment plan is 10 years, though there are several alternate plans. Make sure your repayment works, the betterplan is still appropriate for your current situation and consider alternatives if there have been changes.informed youll be on #2 Knowledge is power. Knowing what type of loans you have, whether what next steps makeits a direct loan or an FFEL loan, and whether its subsidized or unsubsidized can help shed light on whether you have additional options regarding student sense for you. loan repayment. The more you know about how your loan works, the better informed youll be on what next steps make sense for you.#3 Pay attention to changes in income.Especially if you have really low monthly payments, it is important to note if your income has changed (decreased or increased), because you will have to recertify that income at some point, and that could dramatically change how much youre paying on a month-to-month basis. AAP Periospectives| 24'