b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKAAP continuesThroughout 2021, the Academy has supported lobbying efforts put forth by the Organized Dental Coalition (ODC). Through the ODC, the Academy has signed onto numerous initiatives, including expanding dental coverage for foster youth, to advocatepursuing student loan interest-free deferment for residents, and increasing access to Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford loans. for periodontics Additionally, Academy representatives attended the American Dental Association (ADA) Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, where AAP Vice President Dr. David Okano provided testimony on a number of topics. Delegate and alternate delegate periodontists met with ADA President-Elect candidates to discuss issues such as elder care, anesthesia coverage, and the potential national dental implant registry. The Academy remains committed to advocating for its members and periodontology on the federal level and through organized dentistry.Complete list of letters the AAP has supported to date in 2021 (14): ODC Letter regarding the PREP ActODC DOC Access Thank You 117th House Dentists authorization to administer COVID-19 vaccines.This represents a major step forward in leveling the playing field for all patients and establishing a more equitable relationshipODC Support Letter for Childrens Health Insurance Programbetween dentists and insurance companies.(CHIP) Dental Bill Ensuring Kids Have Access to Medically Necessary Dental Care Support for Resident Education Deferred Interest (REDI) Act Act. This legislation would eliminate annual and lifetime dollar(BILLS-116hr1554ih)limits for dental services provided under CHIP and require that Allows borrowers to qualify for interest-free deferment on their CHIP wraparound dental coverage be the same as dental coveragestudent loans while serving in a medical or dental internship or for CHIP enrollees. residency program.ELSA Coalition sign on letterODC LetterFoster Youth Dental Act117 Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act ensures that health insurance Expand Medicaid oral health coverage by increasing the eligibility providers cover medically necessary care for the treatment ofage from 21 years old to 25 years of age for former youth eligible congenital anomalies. for the foster youth Medicaid pathway. ODC Support Letter HR4678Provide incentives for dental providers by:Oral Health Literacy & Awareness ActMaking the Medicaid reimbursement rate for oral health services(Read the full press release at bilirakis.house.gov/media/press- provided to eligible patients equal to the higher of a states median releases/c-rdenas-bilirakis-reintroduce-bipartisan-oral-health- private sector dental payment rate or the national median private literacy-and-awareness) sector dental rate.AAP Periospectives| 18'